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Fake news travels six times faster than the truth on Twitter

By Chris Stokel-Walker

8 March 2018

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News travels fast, especially when it’s wrong

Dong Wenjie/Getty

An analysis of posts on Twitter by three million people between 2006 and 2017 shows that fake news spreads significantly more than the truth on social media.

Soroush Vosoughi at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab and colleagues followed the spread of 126,000 stories on Twitter. A tweet was considered a story if it asserted a claim, meaning that it didn’t have to be linked to any particular story from a news organisation. The claims were then fact-checked by six independent organisations, including Snopes, Politifact and Factcheck.

“What we found was scary,” says Aral. “False news travels farther, faster, deeper and more broadly than the truth in every category of information – many times by an order of magnitude.”

Truthful tweets took six times as long as fake ones to spread across Twitter to 1,500 people – in large part because falsehoods in the sample were 70 per cent more likely to be retweeted than the truth, even after accounting for account age, activity level and their number of followers. The most viral fake posts were political in nature.

Don’t blame it on the bots

Despite the belief that armies of bots are sowing discord and spreading information, it is people, rather than automated accounts, most likely to share incorrect information. Aral and his colleagues analysed the diffusion of information with accounts they identified as bots both included and removed. Although bots did spread fake news, they also shared true news at the same rate.

People share disinformation for a variety of reasons but strong emotional responses – including surprise and disgust –make people more likely to share fake news. “To me, marry those together and you get the dictionary definition of outrage,” says Vian Bakir of Bangor University, who has researched fake news. “Fake news has been optimised to generate that.”

Something else worth bearing in mind is the motivation of people who share certain news items. “Some people share not because they think it’s true, but because it’s something their network would want to hear,” says Bakir.

Read more: Effortless thinking: The fake news that takes us all in

Article amended on 9 March 2018

We have amended our article to clarify that stories tracked by the study were not necessarily from news organisations.


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