What Happens To Body If You Get Stuck In Space

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06 July 2024

There are few scenarios more terrifying to imagine than being trapped in the eternal abyss of space with no way home to Earth

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This nightmare has become somewhat of a reality for astronauts Sunita Williams and Barry Wilmore who are experiencing a longer-than-expected stay aboard the ISS

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While these astronauts will stay safe inside their pressurised spacecraft, here's what would happen if someone were to be stranded in space without a ship

Image: nasa.gov

If someone were to become lost in space, the amount of time they had left would depend heavily on whether they had a spacesuit or not 

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If an astronaut was lost in space with no way to return, this would be their downfall. They would eventually die of hypoxia 

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The body would be immediately exposed to the zero pressure of a vacuum, a complete lack of atmosphere, as well as the intense temperatures of open space

Image: nasa.gov

At these lower pressures, liquid begins to boil at much lower temperatures than are needed on Earth. So, all of your body tissues that contain water will start to expand

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The oxygen is then no longer available to be delivered to the brain, so the person loses consciousness after about 10 to 15 seconds

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Additionally, all the air would be sucked out of your lungs

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Space is all either extremely cold or, if in the direct light of the Sun, scaldingly hot. This would lead to either swift frostbite or sunburn

Image: spaceplace.nasa.gov

After all of these impacts, death would swiftly follow

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