
Agent Ransack

Here are just a few of the recently received or published comments:

“Agent Ransack allows for creating customized searches that go well beyond basic Windows searches. Its most powerful features are aimed at programmers and other techies.”

Erik Larkin, PC World

“This is a must have utility for every one of my Windows systems.”

Kumar (B-Global)

“Your application ROCKS ! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!!”

Benjamin, neuvoo

“The best I’ve seen…much better than Google Desktop.”

Vernon E. Rose, DrPH, LLC

“This is the best file search application I have ever used and I am a software developer for more than 20 years!”

Ken Wan, Cadsoft Consulting

“Excellent product! One of the most helpful utilities I have. Leaves Microsoft searches for dead.”

Charlie Freedman

“This is THE BEST file search product I’ve ever used — THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!”

Alan Winn

“I don’t know what I would do with out this fantastic tool.”

Andy York

“This is a very groovy little program. I actually run this program in ubuntu linux using wine and it works %100.”

Linux User (Ubuntu)

“You created a wonderful product that has saved me hours and hours of fruitless searching with the inherently faulty search function of XP Home Edition… your software has been a genuine secular blessing.”

Michael Green

“I found Agent Ransack some years ago, and loved it. It is one of the most-used programmes on my PC. I would like to compliment you people for making such a capable and user-friendly programme.”

Chris Pearton

“If I were shipwrecked on a desert isle and could take only one software program with me, it would be Agent Ransack, hands down.”

Alan White

“I really appreciate your time and effort developing this wonderful tool and offering it free of charge. Agent Ransack has saved me a lot of time & effort doing search & delete/copy/move etc… on Windows much more efficiently than the built-in tools or any other 3rd. party tools I’ve tried.”

Victor Fayed - Systems Engineer (Technology Services, Meredith College)

“Something has just stuck me: I have been using Agent Ransack for about 6 years at 3 different companies. Out of all the software that I use each and every day, Agent Ransack is the only one that I can depend on 100% to do what it’s designed for and not fail. I’m not worried about using an older version. It doesn’t make my life a misery about updating to a newer version. I never need to go looking for a bugfix update. Very well done, for the most in-obtrusive software I can think of. It does it’s job (very well) and that’s it.”

Stephen Ormston, Firmware Engineer

“Agent Ransack is indispensable as a fast and intuitive alternative to Windows 7 search.”

Deb Troxel, V.P. of Technology, TigerCub Technology, Inc.

“This program fills a void in Windows XP. Finally I can search for what I want to find.”

Daniel Lundgren, Software Developer

“Agent Ransack is absolutely wonderful! Not only does it provide me a consistent UI, but it performs spectacularly compared to the MS built-in tools. Thanks so much for this! A simple, elegant, powerful tool — what software should be.”

Ed Cottingham

“I rarely found myself so pleased with a software… I am not exaggerating saying that it is by far the fastest text searcher I ever saw.”

Alberto (Full Poster)

“I really love using Agent Ransack — it’s just so fast.”

Gareth J M Saunders

“It’s not often I write a review but your software deserves the highest praise it can get. I’ve been using agent ransack (not pro) for a couple years now and use it most days. I have used other search tools in the past. This is the best by far. Simple but still has really great features even in the free version. I’m installing on a new PC for myself and have just signed up to the pro version. Even if I don’t use Pro features this software has made my life so easy searching for files, programs, text within files etc. This software is amazing and I can’t praise it enough.”

Brian (Australia)

Agent Ransack is free for both Commercial and Personal use