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Criminalising ecocide

True & Fair Party first party to call for ecocide law in general election manifesto 
Wide angle view of Big Ben and the House of Parliament at

The True & Fair Party has become the first UK political party to adopt an ecocide pledge in its manifesto for the upcoming UK election.
Democracy campaigner Gina Miller has brought the ecocide debate to the forefront of British politics by calling for the deliberate and sustained destruction of ecosystems to be made a criminal offence.
Miller, the leader of the True & Fair Party, is warning that our progress on environmental protection has been severely stifled by Brexit.

Now, compounded by a lack of action from Britain’s mainstream parties, we are lagging behind our European counterparts.

Making polluters pay

‘Ecocide’ is defined as unlawful or wanton acts committed with the knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and/or widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts. 
Under the True & Fair Party’s policy proposals a new ‘ecocide law’ would mean major polluters could be jailed for up to 10 years, and/or face a fine of up to £3.85m. 

It is the first policy of its kind to be included in any British political party’s general election manifesto.
Similar regulation is already in place in France, and the European Parliament is in the process of ratifying an ecocide law, leaving the UK at risk of failing on yet another environmental imperative.

‘It’s a bold, brave and exciting move by the True & Fair Party, to campaign to have ecocide written into law, in the midst of our climate and biodiversity crises. Congratulations!’

Environmental campaigner

UK’s ‘second rate’ policies

While some 85% of the UK’s environmental protections are derived from EU legislation, Miller warns that we have been veering off course since Brexit and are failing to establish new domestic protections. 
A divergence in ambition in addressing the climate crisis has been revealed by a recent analysis by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), with post-Brexit UK weakening its environmental rules on water treatment, air quality and industrial emissions while the EU continues to make significant steps forward.
Following the Labour Party’s rollback on its £28 billion green pledge and the government’s repeated pushback on environmental commitments, there is increasing concern around our ‘second rate’ environmental policies. 

‘Brexit has resulted in us weakening our environmental rules and diluting our climate ambitions. We are not only pitifully lagging behind Europe, but we have lost all credibility as a global leader in environmental protection.

‘We were once called the poor man of Europe. Unless our politicians seriously address the need for robust, pragmatic rules and regulations to safeguard our nation
against the negative effects of climate change, we will be the dirty, ill, poor man of Europe. 
‘The WMO is sounding the alarm that climate change is closely intertwined with the inequality crisis. That extreme weather conditions, worsened by lack of action,
are leading to food security and population displacement – unfairly impacting vulnerable populations.  
‘By enacting a law against ecocide, we will be taking decisive action to limit the reckless destruction. 

‘The lack of ambition from the mainstream parties’ second-rate policies threatens the lives of future generations. We must act now. This proposal is not a radical one, it is an essential one.’

Leader of the True & Fair Party

’Beautifully simple’

True & Fair is calling for ecocide to be recognised by the International Criminal Court, alongside genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and acts of aggression. 
It comes as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reveals that climate change indicators reached record levels in 2023 – that ‘sirens are blaring across all major indicators … Some records aren’t just chart-topping, they’re chart-busting.’

‘Embracing ecocide as an international crime is a beautifully simple solution. It ensures the polluters pay for the harm they cause and can be punished as such.  
‘A crime of ecocide will hold directors personally liable for harming the environment and make them responsible for cleaning up their mess. I applaud Gina Miller and the True & Fair Party for their stance.’

Director of Fighting Dirty, and former UNESCO Special Junior Envoy for Youth & Environment

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