Colchester, United Kingdom

“Through the mellow, drifting sound of a Ms Skyrym playlist, Michael, heard his phone pinging on the stand beside him, and knew without looking who it was from. He felt her, deeply connected to her, even when she had been thousands of miles away from him." - T. A. Deane ~ Sight of Endeavour

Over a decade of moods, lush and beautiful, voyages of reflection, and love through music and then came my first book Sight of Endeavour by T. A. Deane

With love.
Ms Skyrym

Colchester, United Kingdom

“Through the mellow, drifting sound of a Ms Skyrym playlist, Michael, heard his phone pinging on the stand beside him, and knew without looking who it was from. He felt her, deeply connected to her, even when she had been thousands of miles away from him." - T. A. Deane ~ Sight of Endeavour

Over a decade of moods, lush and beautiful, voyages of reflection, and love through music and then came my first book Sight of Endeavour by T. A. Deane

With love.
Ms Skyrym

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