Subscribe to Straight Eights and show your support for the shows and music you love to listen to.

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Straight Eights

Hey all! As you may already know, we have been broadcasting our radio shows since the early 90's and have had many shows featured on radio stations in Ireland, the UK, US, Eastern Europe and Japan. Our first love is collecting and sharing music and we have been uploading our weekly shows onto our Mixcloud page since 2010. Our Select channel gives our subscribers an exclusively curated regular stream of radio shows playing the best new music and the sounds of those artists that influence the now! - and all that blended with our unique Irish personality. All are welcome.

Exclusive benefits

      Exclusive shows

      Upfront tracklists

      Support artist

      Offline Listening*

      No adverts*

      Unlimited Listening*

Fair distribution model

Channel subscriptions are more than just a fan club. It's a unique revenue share model where everyone involved in making the shows you listen to gets their cut, fairly and legally. Here's where your money is going.

  • 65%

    To artists you play

  • 18%

    Creator earnings

  • 17%

    Application fees

*Only on channels you subscribe to