Time Capsule by Strange Worlds (Exclusive Guest Session For Sequenchill)

Time Capsule by Strange Worlds (Exclusive Guest Session For Sequenchill)

Time Capsule by Strange Worlds (Exclusive Guest Session For Sequenchill)

Time Capsule by Strange Worlds (Exclusive Guest Session For Sequenchill)🎧🎶📀🚀

'It's like the time capsule with everything in it. Or like the seed that when you plant it, becomes the enormous tree with leaves and fruit. Everybody was in that little seed, and so everything can open. The tree of dance is like that. It just takes a long, long time to blossom'

'When I listen to little fourth-dimension artifacts, they're like they were made as time capsules in the first place. You know that when you're writing the song and recording the song, you're already sending a message to the future listener, whoever and wherever and whenever that will be'

I believe that, your art is like a time capsule for where you were at, where your mentality was at, at that specific or that particular space in time. A lot of times people want the same thing over and over again; I'm not going to give you that, I'm just not'

Follow link for the TRACKLIST - https://www.facebook.com/groups/160685934139693

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Playing tracks by Leigf Elgren, Dj Spooky, Meat Beat Manifesto, Astralasia, Oscid and more.



remarkable stuff!! thoroughly immersed and thoroughly enjoyed... 🙏🤸‍♂️🧘‍♂️

Strange Worlds

thanks papa for giving it a try & happy you like D

Strange Worlds

thanks everybody !


Super trip here, amazing session!
Thinking at the edge of the unthinkable at the end drives me crazy... loll ... whole mix is fenomenal, Bravo!

Strange Worlds

thank you / long time no speak !?
this only one example of which sideffects mixclouds policy change
has in full practice , everything builded in a decade slowly fading away ,
i would easily exchanged all my followers for another 1 of you / thanks 4 all your in /
output ,.. hope we can stay in touch , at least once in a while !?

Strange Worlds

PS i understand MC arguments complete ,
i am only describing what i see and sharing own experiences /
keep it up !

bass beukema


Strange Worlds

wacht maar uns , ik heb er ook ;

Nick van Hapert

tegen de grens van het ondenkbare

Strange Worlds

letterlijk vertaald met gnoogle translator ,
lang niet gezien , alles goed !?

Nick van Hapert

die nieuwe opzet hier is geen vooruitgang
verder alles prima en met jou?

Strange Worlds

een beetje onnodig ,
misschien een manier om ruimte te winnen ,
de zomer is weer begonnen ,
ik mag weer naar buiten hahsaa !?
jij ook dank voor alle support , blij dat ik hier af
en toe iets mag uploaden dankzij salvatore muscat yayyy

The Archivist

manifesto's mastermind Jack Danger's ghost
haunts this place and nods in agreement.

Strange Worlds

let's hope so !

Strange Worlds

special thanks to salvatore for giving me the oppertunity
to upload a file once in a while , and what a lovely pictnure /
hope ya all enjoy this 2nd journey / cheers @

PS ; this why i rarely timestamp , it's complicated ,..

Strange Worlds

the playlist is not complete yet ,
while listening i try to recall the missing names
that i forgot to mention ;

zoltan , hound of dracula samples
ash international
zeitgeist ; 8mm film
B52 cockpit chatter FX
farmers manual
zarkowski tetsuo
lt caramel

and probably a few more ,..

Strange Worlds

arriving two days after the opening of the time capsule
that has been planted 400 years ago by our ancestors on malta
gives a little peak in my psyche ,
while waiting all this time the tension became too overwhelming .
i guess , loll !?


Time Capsule by Strange Worlds (Exclusive Guest Session For Sequenchill)🎧🎶📀🚀

'It's like the time capsule with everything in it. Or like the seed that when you plant it, becomes the enormous tree with leaves and fruit. Everybody was in that little seed, and so everything can open. The tree of dance is like that. It just takes a long, long time to blossom'

1 Leigf Elgren-Mother
2 Dj Spooky-New York Airzone
3 Meat Beat Manifesto-Mad Bomber/The Woods
4 Astralasia-Ambient Heart Mix
5 Oscid-Opening Sweep
6 La Peste-Il Etit Magnetiquee
7 Analogue Radio-Radio Interference
8 P Bryson-Time Capsule To NGC
9 Legion-Ion
10 Sleep Research Facility-Nostromo Level 5
11 Meat Beat Manifesto-The Utterer
12 Shiny Gnomes-Thinking At The Edge Of The impossible (Locust Remix)

And many more.................................

Strange Worlds

yayyy / grazzii

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