Subscribe to Steve 'Miggedy' Maestro and show your support for the shows and music you love to listen to.

Steve 'Miggedy' Maestro's profile picture

Steve 'Miggedy' Maestro

Thank you all from the bottom of my toes to the top of my head! This is for the true supporters who understand the music I play for you is NOT FREE. I am not looking for a profit, just compensation for the amount of money spent to make these shows I do happen. Not only for me, but the artists who make this beautiful music and pay hundreds of dollars creating it. I appreciate anything you give us back for we will continue to make more beautiful mixes, old and new.

Exclusive benefits

      Exclusive shows

      Upfront tracklists

      Support artist

      Offline Listening*

      No adverts*

      Unlimited Listening*

Fair distribution model

Channel subscriptions are more than just a fan club. It's a unique revenue share model where everyone involved in making the shows you listen to gets their cut, fairly and legally. Here's where your money is going.

  • 65%

    To artists you play

  • 18%

    Creator earnings

  • 17%

    Application fees

*Only on channels you subscribe to