Acid Jazz (Favorites) 4

Acid Jazz (Favorites) 4

Acid Jazz (Favorites) 4

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We are spinnin' around and raising our hands up in the air. The final track is wild (A Google search reveals the movie is wilder). :)


Listening while writing MCM's...

❀ Lily Vitty ❀

Listening to this acid jazz mix under the sun is pure bliss! The funky grooves and smooth rhythms make for the perfect sunny day soundtrack. This music enhances the chill vibe. Loving every minute of it!

Jazzmaster Mike

Thanks Vitty brought back some classics to mix with some newer stuff. Glad it’s a nice summer vibe!😃

Guido's Lounge Café

Strong selection Mike, I am loving the tunes :)

Jazzmaster Mike

Thanks my friend glad you enjoyed!