Vi4YL: UKG n' Bumpy 4 to the floor House Special ft. CRUNCHIE MC

Vi4YL: UKG n' Bumpy 4 to the floor House Special ft. CRUNCHIE MC

1mo ago
Vi4YL: UKG n' Bumpy 4 to the floor House Special ft. CRUNCHIE MC

Crunchie MC lays down a very, very special take on a 4-4 bumpy house and UKG vinyl set I've been working on for a while now. I am SO proud of this, Heck, everything I love about adding an MC to a mix, teamwork and feel good vibes. Check it, share, like, repost! ///.... and for more search Vi4YL. Crunchie, we salute you!!! Usual Thursday mixtapes continue too on that all round, anything goes crate digging vibe.

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Playing tracks by Soulstice, Prizent vs. Y-Tribe, Booker T Meets II Niño, Ty Holden & James Reynolds, Hinda Hicks and more.


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