Meyerbeer: « Le prophète » – Osborn, DeShong, Galoyan, Platt, Worms; Elder; Aix-en-Provence 2023

Meyerbeer: « Le prophète » – Osborn, DeShong, Galoyan, Platt, Worms; Elder; Aix-en-Provence 2023

Meyerbeer: « Le prophète » – Osborn, DeShong, Galoyan, Platt, Worms; Elder; Aix-en-Provence 2023

Giacomo Meyerbeer

Maitrise des Bouches-Du-Rhone
Chœurs de l’Opéra de Lyon
Orchestre des Jeunes de la Méditerranée
London Symphony Orchestra
Mark Elder, conductor
Grand Théatre de Provence
Festival d’Aix-en-Provence
15 July 2023

Jean de Leyde – John Osborn
Fidès – Elizabeth DeShong
Berthe – Mané Galoyan
Jonas – Valerio Contaldo
Mathisen – Guilhem Worms
Zacharie – James Platt
Le comte d’Oberthal – Edwin Crossley-Mercer
Soldats – Maxime Melnik, Hugo Santos, David Sánchez

Photo: John Osborn and Mané Galoyan at this 2023 concert performance of a new critical edition prepared in 2011

When I was very young, there was constant chatter about an impending Meyerbeer Revival. The opera world is still waiting for it to happen: in the last 50 years I have seen all of one Meyerbeer opera, « Le prophète » , in 1977.

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Playing tracks by Giacomo Meyerbeer and Meyerbeer.