Ocean Spray Vol.2

Ocean Spray Vol.2

Ocean Spray Vol.2

A beautiful summer mix for you my friends ... a feel good feeling enjoy with love Linny xx

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Playing tracks by Blank & Jones, Surfers, Eric Paque, Jens Buchert, Afterlife and more.



Very, very beautiful :)!!!


Can't stop listen' Gaby, do it again, over and over...


This mix was super nice. Really enjoyed the relaxed feel, thanks!


Excellent set !!! 😘


Nice Linny..!!

Guido's Lounge Café

This is beautiful Linny :)
Have a great weekend my friend!

Ivor Heard

Love it Linny but please do one of rain sounds, it makes me feel safe and warm, a spin off from when we were kinds. I would pull back the bedroom curtains at night to watch and listen to the storms, wait for a flash then count slowly so you could tell if it was coming closer or going farther away. I often feel so warm and safe listening to the pouring rain , it’s silly I know but that’s my childhood fondest memories. Love this though as it’s so relaxing and great for unwinding after a stressful day, another great winner. XX