Apple Pay now Available on Miva

The fast and secure method to streamline checkout.

Add Apple Pay To Your Store
Mobile device with a product page for a fedora displayed, with an Apple Pay button under Add To Cart.

Streamline your Miva checkout process with Apple Pay

Give customers the convenience of single touch purchasing on Mac computers and iPhone and iPad devices, with Apple Pay for the web.

  • Faster Checkouts

    With Apple Pay, your customers aren't required to log in, and check out 60% faster than other payment methods.

  • Safer Way to Pay

    Your customers' actual card numbers are never stored on devices or servers and never shared by Apple with merchants, allowing for secure and private transactions.

  • 2x Conversion Rates

    Websites supporting Apple Pay have seen more than 200% increases in checkout conversion rates.

  • No Additional Fees

    Setting up Apple Pay is easy, and you aren't charged any additional fees to add it to your store.

Mobile device with the Apple Pay dialog shown on top of the product page.

Setting up Apple Pay is Simple on Miva

Our how-to guide demonstrates how you can easily enable Apple Pay on your store.

Screenshot of a shirt's product page, displayed on a laptop.

Already have Apple Pay set up?

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