Mirror readers have come out in force to support Strictly's Giovanni Pernice as he battles to clear his name amid the BBC investigation concerning his behaviour.

The 33-year-old has been mired in controversy for months after refuting allegations about his 'abusive or threatening behaviour' while working on the hit show. He was paired with actress Amanda Abbington, who quit the series early and later claimed to have suffered from PTSD. The BBC then launched an internal investigation after receiving complaints from his previous celebrity dance partners on the show.

Earlier this week, Giovanni said: "I am co-operating fully with the ongoing BBC investigation, which will determine the truth. As requested, I have stayed silent, but I am looking forward to the conclusion of the investigation and ultimately clearing my name and establishing the truth.

"I am so happy to be back on tour. Thank you all for your continued support - your messages and love mean so very much to me. I will hopefully see many of you very soon and I look forward to clearing my name.”

Fans have been left shaken by his departure, with many saying they will boycott the show. Amid the uproar we asked: Should professional dancer Giovanni Pernice have been axed from Strictly?

Almost 7,000 of you voted, with 6,173 saying 'No' he shouldn't have been axed, and only 449 saying 'Yes' he should. Many of you commented on our story. Here's just a selection of what some of you had to say.

'Think it's a disgrace how Gio has been treated'

Lesgoody: "If you want to be the best then take the pain. These dancers are professional and want to win. The contestants know that to be the best the teacher has to put you through the wringer. They should have been in school in the fifties. That would have toughened them up. Everyone is so soft and offended by everything now."

MoominMama: "Three months of hard work. Not being cossetted. Just couldn't hack it. I'd love to be taught day after day by Gio for three months, if only to correct my posture! Discipline and determination. No sticking power!"

Brexitrecession: "How many women AND men have complained about the man and somehow the great unwashed TV viewers think he's STILL great. Lets be honest, the BBC has a history of NOT treating complaints about their stars very seriously."

Numbersontheleft: "Amanda left the show because she felt intimidated by Gio. Whether Gio felt his approach was justified or not, the fact that it upset Amanda sufficiently for her to leave the show means that his actions were unacceptable. Gio should have apologised unreservedly, rather than trying to justify behaviour that was clearly upsetting his dance partner."

RubyTuesday2: "Think it's a disgrace how Gio has been treated. Let's hope many people boycott watching this year's series. Good luck Gio. Love you."

Carriedobbin: "I love Gio with all my heart but axing him is not the way to go. He has been the backbone [of the show] and the definition of the pro."

L65: "Nothing wrong with having high standards. Celebrities will need pushing to achieve their potential. Love Gio ... he's getting a raw deal!"

Strictly's Shirley Ballas backs Giovanni Pernice as she says 'the truth will come out' (
No credit)

Since news of his Strictly exit, some professional dancers and celebrities have showed their support to the dancer.

Strictly star Shirley Ballas is firmly in his corner, saying “The truth will come out.” The judge said that she had never witnessed anything untoward by the dancer and said he will be “missed” in the next run of the BBC show. And she revealed that she had invited him to a party this weekend, along with fellow judge Anton Du Beke.

Speaking last night at Chorleywood Memorial Hall, Herts, promoting her new book Murder on the Dancefloor, she said: “I know he is a hard worker. He wants the people to do the very best that they can do. Obviously in my life I was bullied a lot. I don't condone bullying on any path but also I don't believe gossip and what you read in the newspapers because things get escalated and they are blown way out of all proportion and it can turn into a great big snowball.

“So my feeling for Giovanni is, let them do this investigation or whatever it is they are doing and the truth will come out. So we don’t judge anybody until I know absolutely 100 per cent. I won’t pass on the gossip unless I know 100 per cent it is true. I have never ever, ever experienced any ill will or bad feeling or bad sportsmanship or rudeness from him. He will be missed.”

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Former show professional Kristina Rihanoff spoke out in support of the star as she called him one of the show's best dancers and choreographers. Speaking on This Morning, she said: "The news, I'm very saddened because I think when you lose one of the best choreographers and dancers on the show, as a professional dancer, I can say that it is very sad as he produced some very memorable dances and took quite a few of his celebrity partners through to the final. So from a professional point of view, I think the show will lose a wonderful dancer and choreographer."

Giovanni's former celebrity partner Debbie McGee has also showed her support throughout the past few months and declared she was "heartbroken" by the decision.

Are you sad to see Giovanni leave Strictly? There's still time to take our poll above and have your say in the comments section below.