A man has been savaged by the brutal social media assassins at Ryanair.

As anyone who has ventured onto Twitter knows, if you @ the budget Irish airline, there's a good chance you'll be dragged through the weeds of social shame.

Ryanair's infamous tweets rarely take any prisoners while having shoulders broad enough to make fun of some of the airline's quirks.

Steve Merry recently found himself at the mercy of the Twitter account's acid tongue when he posted a photo of himself sat on a Ryanair plane.

In it his legs can be seen crammed against the seat in front of him, above the caption: "I'm only 5'7" @Ryanair."

"You going to update your tinder profile then?" the airline fired back.

Further down in the comments, where other people were sympathising with Steve over his lack of legroom, the company account added: "Bend your knees" with little clap emojis punctuating each word.

Many people were quick to side with Ryanair and call Steve out for expecting a premium service on the budget airline.

"The amount of people that pay almost nothing for a flight and expect a business class sized seat is abhorrently high," one person wrote.

Another added: "I knew there was a perk of only being 5ft3 I always fly very comfortably with Ryanair."

A third wrote: "I mean I can make my knees touch the back of the seat in front if I slide down enough, I’m 5’5”."

Last month a Twitter user called Paul found the spotlight land on him after he posted about the company's check-in policy.

"Another reason not to fly @Ryanair," he wrote.

"If you don’t pay for pre-booked seats you can only check-in max 24 hours before your departure, meaning you need to check-in for your return while away, most likely forgetting and then costing €55 to do it at the airport if less than two hours before flight."

Ryanair takes no prisoners (
NurPhoto via Getty Images)

In response Ryanair posted a picture of phone screen with a 'reminder' option and the words: "adulting is hard".

People's reactions were divided - some found it funny, but others were unimpressed.

One person fumed: “The Ryanair Twitter account is clearly being run by a college student, or, a college student in grown up clothes.

“This stuff isn't even witty anymore, just a bit pathetic frankly. Instead of using light criticism of the product as an opportunity to improve, you resort to this.”

However, others agreed with the airline’s joke.

One user commented: "I'm seriously wondering how people survive if they can't even manage the tiniest tasks. It takes less than a minute to check-in for a Ryanair flight when you're using the app.”

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