Jake Paul needed less than two minutes to KO Andre August and win for the eighth time as a pro.

The YouTuber had been involved in some high-profile bouts since turning professional, but his meeting with August went under the radar. Paul had enjoyed success against fellow social media stars and MMA legends but came up short against boxer Tommy Fury earlier this year.

He was looking to prove he could beat a legitimate fighter - and stopped August with a brutal uppercut in the first round of their clash in Florida. You can re-cap the action from that very short fight, and the rest of the undercard, below...

That's all from us

An easy night for Jake Paul and a farcical one for KSI, just about sums up influencer boxing.

Until next time...

KSI drops Speed repeatedly

KSI dropped Speed in each of their four completed rounds before leaving the ring.

Read about their sparring session here: KSI drops Speed with brutal body shot in farcical fight between YouTube rivals

Jake Paul vs Andre August - Round 1

Paul looks the more controlled in their in the opening minute. He lands a one-two but without much purchase. He slips downstairs and lands a right to the body. Both men land simultaneously but August has yet to get into the fight. OH WOW JAKE PAUL KOS ANDRE AUGUST!

Meanwhile in Florida

August and Paul are heading to the ring

KSI and Speed almost ready

The YouTube rivals are warming up. KSI has his gloves on, Speed, who looks out of his depth already, does not.

KSI update

Meanwhile, KSI and Speed are getting set for their pretend fight somewhere in London.

Jake Paul next up!

The main event is coming soon.

RESULT - Franchon Crews-Dezurn bts Shadasia Green via UD

The judges score the bout 98-92, 97-93 and 97-93 in Crews-Dezurn's favour.

Shadasia Green vs Franchon Crews-Dezurn - Round 10

Final round, thank goodness. Crews-Dezurn has done enough to win and nothing in these final three minutes has changed that. We go to the judges.

Shadasia Green vs Franchon Crews-Dezurn - Round 9

Green starts the round well with her best punch of the night but soon falls into a familiar pattern as Crews-Dezurn puts her shots together.

Shadasia Green vs Franchon Crews-Dezurn - Round 8

Crews-Dezurn's style is not pretty on the eye as she smothers her own, and Green's work, but she should be ahead in this one.

Shadasia Green vs Franchon Crews-Dezurn - Round 7

Crews-Dezurn is down early but it was correctly ruled a slip. She lands a good right hand as Green attempts to get back into the fight. Strong finish from Crews-Dezurn.

Shadasia Green vs Franchon Crews-Dezurn - Round 6

Crews-Dezurn having much more success than Green who just cannot work her way into space to let her hands go. The former champ could soon be the new champ.

Shadasia Green vs Franchon Crews-Dezurn - Round 5

Somewhat better from Green in this round but Crews-Dezurn finishes the round the stronger. A very sloppy fight, this.

Shadasia Green vs Franchon Crews-Dezurn - Round 4

Green moving better at the start of this round as he evades Crews-Dezuen's advances. But she's struggling to come back with anything of her own and could be staring at an early deficit.

Shadasia Green vs Franchon Crews-Dezurn - Round 3

Not exactly high quality, this, but Green is struggling to land but begins to find her range as the round ends.

Shadasia Green vs Franchon Crews-Dezurn - Round 2

Crews-Dezurn races off her stool at the start of the round and has the better of the opening minute as Green struggles to measure her distance.

Shadasia Green vs Franchon Crews-Dezurn - Round 1

Neither woman holding back in the opening minute but Crews-Dezurn isn't quite composed enough to land anything of note. Not much between them in this one.

Co-main event is next

Shadasia Green takes on Franchon Crews Dezurn for the vacant WBC super-middleweight world title.

RESULT: Yoenis Tellez bts Livan Navarro by KO

A stunning finish which lefty Navarro out cold. Thankfully he has recovered enough to sit on his stool as Tellez marches on.

Yoenis Tellez vs Livan Navarro - Round 10

Final three minutes. WHAT A FINISH. Telles is cruising to the finish before he lands a HUGE left hand which sends Navarro straight to the canvas - he is out cold. Navarro is attended to by medics and eventually gets back to his feet.

Yoenis Tellez vs Livan Navarro - Round 9

Tellez has six minutes to finish the job but he doesn't seem too bothered about stopping Navarro.

Yoenis Tellez vs Livan Navarro - Round 8

A quieter round from Tellez as Navarro navigates his way through another three-minute session. Tellez is running out of time to close the show.

Yoenis Tellez vs Livan Navarro - Round 7

Navarro looks pretty beaten up in there now and has four rounds to survive, because let's be honest he's not going to win this fight. Tellez clips him with the right hand but somehow Navarro responds. But Tellez can hardly miss with his right hand.


Yoenis Tellez vs Livan Navarro - Round 6

Navarro is wild at the start of the sixth and Tellez punishes him with a crunching body shot. But the elder statesman sees the round out again, surviving a late attack.

Yoenis Tellez vs Livan Navarro - Round 5

Tellez puts his foot on the gas and looks to set up the stoppage again but Navarro is wily enough to know how to avoid the younger man's onslaught.

Yoenis Tellez vs Livan Navarro - Round 4

Navarro will do well to survive for much longer after the last round but he shows no sign of going quietly. He takes the fight to Tellez but the younger man is quicker and smarter.

Yoenis Tellez vs Livan Navarro - Round 3

Tellez looks to build on the second round and connects with a right had which wobbles Navarro. Tellez jumps on his opponent and appears to hit him while he's down. But the referee starts the count and Navarro is able to beat it and continue to the bell.

Yoenis Tellez vs Livan Navarro - Round 2

Navarro already looks the classier of the two as he pins Tellez in the corner briefly. But Tellez comes back into the round and ends upn dominating the second half.

Yoenis Tellez vs Livan Navarro - Round 1

Two Cubans here which means we should be in for a technical fight. Not a lot to choose between them in the opener but Navarro landed the better shots.