The trial surrounding a rape at a prestigious university that has gripped America came to a dramatic end yesterday.

Brandon Vandenburg, 21, and Cory Batey, 21, were found guilty of raping an unconscious student in a dorm room at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, in June 2013.

The rape took place in Vandenburg’s on-campus dorm room. The victim was unconscious at the time.

The jury saw surveillance footage of the victim being dragged to Vandenburg's room, reports WKRN-TV.

Prosecutors said that Vandenburg encouraged Batey and two others to assault the woman with a water bottle and rape her.

The jury was shown graphic phone footage, which Vandenburg then sent to friends.

Batey then urinated on her.

The rape victim, who was 21 at the time, released a statement following the verdict:

"Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this difficult process. I'm thankful that the criminal justice system will hold the defendants responsible for their violent crimes.

"The hard work of the law enforcement officers, prosecutors and victims' advocates who dedicated so many months of their lives to this case has made justice possible.

She thanked police officers and attorneys, then added: "I am also hopeful that the publicity this case has received will lead to a discussion of how we can end sexual violence on college campuses.

"Finally, I want to remind other victims of sexual violence: You are not alone. You are not to blame.”

Beth Fortune, Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs at Vanderbilt University, also issued a statement yesterday.

“The conduct revealed by the evidence at trial was profoundly disturbing and utterly unacceptable. Our heart goes out to the victim,” she stated.

“Her testimony was forceful and brave. She has received our care and support.”

Vandenburg was found guilty on four counts of aggravated rape, one count of attempted aggravated rape, two counts of aggravated sexual battery and one count each of tampering with evidence and unlawful photography.

Batey was found guilty on four counts of aggravated rape, one count of attempted aggravated rape and two counts of aggravated sexual battery.

They will be sentenced in March.

Two other former players, Brandon Banks and Jaborian McKenzie, have been charged but are yet to face trial in the case. They have pleaded not guilty.