It has been 20 days since British teenager Jay Slater disappeared in Tenerife.

The 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer vanished on June 17 while holidaying for a three-day music festival with friends. On the final night, Jay left his pals to travel to a quiet Airbnb with two other partygoers in the early hours of the Monday morning.

According to Jay's friend Lucy, he began the treacherous 11-hour trek on foot back to his accommodation in the touristy town of Los Christianos after missing a bus.

His phone last 'pinged' somewhere in the Parque Rural de Teno nature reserve, an area Spanish police scoured before they officially called off their search on Sunday. Jay's loved ones pledged to stay in Tenerife and keep looking. As the investigation continues, here are five key theories that pay provide answers in the case of the missing teenager.

Jay got lost in a rural Tenerife village

Jay reportedly 'ended up in the middle of nowhere' (

Jay is thought to have gone missing in Masca's notoriously rugged and treacherous terrain, which locals have dubbed a 'lost village' as it didn’t even have a road connection until the 1990s. It is one of the remote parts of Tenerife.

His friend Lucy Mae Law was one of the last people to speak to him on the morning he vanished. He rang her to tell her that he was walking back to their accommodation after missing a bus and said he was thirsty, tired, had cut his leg on a cactus, and only had one percent phone battery. The journey would have taken Jay 11 hours on foot.

Lucy later suggested Jay may have gotten lost as he attempted to return to his friends in Los Chistianos. She said: "He's gone on a night out, he's gone to a friend's house, someone that he has met on holiday. One of the people he has met has hired a car out of here, so he's driven them back to his apartment and Jay has gone there not realising how far away it is.

He's ended up out in the middle of nowhere. Jay was obviously thinking he would be able to get home from there. But then in the morning he's set off walking, using his Maps on his phone and ended up in the middle of mountains with nothing around."

But despite a massive search operation using helicopters, drones and sniffer dogs across mountainous areas of the Spanish island, Jay has not yet been found.

He was 'taken against his will'

Jay's mum Debbie fears he may have been abducted (
ITV News)

Soon after the news of Jay's disappearance broke, his distraught mum Debbie expressed fears that "something bad" happened to the teenager as he tried to make his way home. Debbie earlier said she thought Jay was being held "against his will." Speaking to the Daily Mail, the mum broke down in tears and said she doesn't "know what to think" as she speculated on the whereabouts of her son.

She said: "I'm all over the place and I'm trying to keep positive, has somebody taken him? Is he panicked and lost in the mountains? I just don't know, that's why if anyone has any information please just tell us. If he is lost then why hasn't anyone seen him? It's busy with hikers and holidaymakers up there, so if he was lost then someone would have seen him, so that's why I think maybe he's been bundled off somewhere."

In another interview, Debbie revealed she recieved threatening messages from trolls claiming to have kidnapped Jay. She said: "I got a Snapchat about 10 minutes after I got off the plane saying ‘Kiss goodbye to your boy, you’re never going to see him again, he owes me a lot of money,’ which I passed on to police with the number it came from because I had my wits about me at the time and got my eldest son Zac to take a screen grab before it disappeared."

He may not be missing at all

It was later suggested that Jay may not be missing at all after an ex-cop said things "don't add up".

Graham Wettone, who was a member of the Met for 30 years, claimed the apprentice bricklayer may actually need "another look" as Tenerife police call off their search.

The ex-cop said: "It seems to me on the face of it that they are just focusing on the mountain, but I would hope they are looking at other avenues and those include criminality. I've been following this case closely and discussing it with colleagues and it's certainly a very bizarre one, lots of things just don't add up."

Jay got into trouble after 'stealing Rolex'

Ex Britrish Detective Mark Williams-Thomas flew to Tenerife to help find Jay (
Stan Kujawa)

This week, it emerged that detectives began looking into a new lead linked to the mysterious disappearance.

TV detective Mark Williams-Thomas, who has worked on a number of high-profile cases, including the disappearance of Nicola Bulley, shed some light on Jay's mindset before he vanished.

The former cop alleged that during Jay's car journey to the Airbnb, he posted a video on Snapchat boasting about the theft of a Rolex watch. Speaking in a video statement posted on social media, Mr Williams-Thomas said: "On route Jay posted a Snapchat saying that they had taken a £12,000 Rolex from a person. We have been unable to validate this in terms of a reported theft.

"However, friends of Jay he would not make this up and the watch was the subject of a later conversation between them."

The theory suggested Jay may have found himself in trouble, while a number of baseless conspiracies also emerged, including that Jay's friends were "drug mules" who landed him into trouble, and that the teenager faked his own death to escape alleged debts.

Jay's phone may have been thrown

Jay's phone last last 'pinged' somewhere in the Parque Rural de Teno nature reserve in the rural Masca village.

Rescue teams scoured the area where Jay's phone last pinged (
Stan Kujawa)

A journalist covering Jay's case in Tenerife highlighted a new theory that could explain why the mobile signal was detected in such a dangerous mountainous area. After having a conversation with an ex-British Army officer, reporter Nick Pisa believes Jay's phone may have been thrown.

Pisa said the mobile's GPS location could only be possible "if the phone was thrown" into the terrain. He told GB News: "We're not obviously being kept up to speed, but [the former officer] did tell me that he thought where the ping came from was rather surprising because it was really steep to get to, and it was covered in undergrowth and cacti.

"He said to get there you'd have to need a machete. Or he suggested, someone had thrown the phone into that growth." Pisa revealed that expert climbers are "still searching with the backing of Jay's family", despite the Civil Guard's active search ending. The reporter added of one: "I must admit, I've seen him up there several times, and he seems to be the more serious."