When choosing your puppy's name, it's good to think outside the box - but not so much that you'll feel embarrassed calling it out in public.

A teenager has been left humiliated after his dad hilariously chose his golden retriever's name in secret, and left him red-faced at the vets.

Speaking to Reddit, the 19-year-old son explained how he was gifted a puppy by his parents, but was unable to take her home straight away.

So, he left her in the safe hands of his parents for a couple of weeks, and they registered her with a local vets under a name they'd picked.

His dad stitched him up and called the puppy Mizz Princess Hollywood instead (stock photo) (
Getty Images)

But instead of listing the dog under Holly (the name the son had chosen), his dad decided to go 'rogue' with Mizz Princess Hollywood.

The teen said in his post: "I have no idea about this. Six months later when I'm taking her in for a check-up and going to the front desk, they find her listed as her kennel club name.

"I laugh, sigh, and say 'just Holly' knowing exactly what happened."

Although he was able to see the funny side, he was still embarrassed by the situation, especially because he was sitting next to a 'cute girl' when his dog's name was called.

"I'm sitting in the waiting room and a cute girl around my age comes in with a beautiful German shepherd pup and sits by me," he added.

"Our pups start playing together so we inevitably talk. We're hitting it off, talking about the joys and downs of puppy-ownership - but then the receptionist steps up and calls Mizz Princess Hollywood.

He hit it off with a girl in the waiting room just before he was publicly humiliated (stock photo) (
Getty Images/iStockphoto)

"Now I'm already embarrassed, but it didn't help that while I was still standing up there they call out Bowser, or something else fairly masculine, and the cute girl stands up with her pup.

"I just walked into the exam room red-faced and never saw her again."

While most users laughed at his 'troll of a dad' naming the dog Mizz Princess Hollywood, others tried to reassure him that it shouldn't stop his chances at securing a date.

One user said: "I'm sure the girl didn't care or thought it was funny. I feel like no one chooses to date or not to date based on the name of the person's dog."

Another user added: "You should have got up said 'It's a long story but I'd love to tell you about it over coffee after this'."

A third user said: "I think it's hilarious the vet calls out the dog's name rather than the owner's name."

Does your dog have an usual name? Email nia.dalton@reachplc.com.

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