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Woman who collapsed with suspected heart attack forced to wait five hours at A&E

Roseanna Clarkin, 39, feared she would go into cardiac arrest after becoming stuck in a queue of 16 ambulances with patients inside outside Glasgow's Queen Elizabeth University Hospital

Roseanna Clarkin, 39, waited for five hours in the back of an ambulance before being seen at A&E(DAILY RECORD)

A woman who collapsed with a suspected heart attack says she was forced to wait for five hours in the back of an ambulance before being seen at A&E.

Roseanna Clarkin, 39, feared she would go into cardiac arrest after suffering chest pain and being unable to breathe at her home in Dunbartonshire, Scotland on Monday morning.

She was rushed to Glasgow's Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, but became stuck in a queue of ambulances outside.

Roseanna, who has a history of heart problems, told the Daily Record : "We couldn’t even get parked near A&E because there were another 16 ambulances waiting there with patients already."

She is still recovering at home after discovering a couple of days later that the cause of her pain was due to Covid.

Roseanna feared she would go into cardiac arrest after suffering chest pain and being unable to breathe(DAILY RECORD)

Recalling arriving at hospital, Roseanna said: "We were told there would be a three or four-hour wait.

“The paramedics gave me an aspirin and paracetamol but there was nothing else they could do.

"I was concerned because I’d read about two patients dying from heart attacks while waiting to be seen in A&E.