A man who attacked a shopkeeper several times and pointed a gun at his head has been jailed for more than six years.

Daniel Lee raided Shaw Bridge Local, a corner shop in South East London, onDecember 10 whilst holding a firearm. The thug confronted the lone shopkeeper, demanding money. According to terrifying footage, he pointed the gun directly at the victim's head.

Lee, 43, of no fixed address, then attacked the man with the butt of the gun, which caused minor injuries to the shopkeeper's head. In the footage, it was found that Lee was dressed distinctively, wearing one black glove and one bright yellow one, as well as a pair of black trainers with an orange/red band at the back.

At Woolwich Crown Court on April 19, it was heard that Lee stole an iPhone from the counter and a Samsung phone from the victim’s inside jacket pocket, before fleeing the scene on a bicycle, holding the shop cash drawer. He was spotted soon after, on a footpath near the newsagents.

Daniel Lee dropped a yellow glove that helped police identify him (
Metropolitan Police)

Lee was trying to break open the cash drawer from the shop by bashing it with the butt of his gun. He then decided to discard his gloves, including the distinctive yellow one, which was found by police and examined by forensics.

MyLondon reported that he was sentenced to six years and four months in jail on Friday, April 19, 2024. Judge Francis also gave a Sheriff's Awards for Bravery to the victim as well as another member of the public who sought to intervene

Detective Constable Seán Keogh of the Met Police’s Flying Squad said: “Criminality of this kind spreads terror through communities and can cause long lasting harm and trauma, all for very little personal benefit.

"I hope this sentence reassures the community that the police will identify and remove these offenders from law abiding society; as well as demonstrating to those who would consider similar actions that they have little to gain, but a lot to lose.”