A seaside town battling to combat beach-goers who leave their cars haphazardly parked along the roads of Polzeath, Cornwall has concocted a plan to reclaim their tranquil hotspot.

The seaside town already battling to reclaim its tranquil reputation from rowdy teenage beach parties has launched a new offensive, leaving its once picturesque streets looking more like an obstacle course and the town has deployed countless traffic cones.

With the weather being so wet the council hasn’t been able to draw yellow lines so the cones have made a great secondary solution. The Polzeath Beach Ranger Service took to Facebook to say: "Hopefully, the chaotic, dangerous, and inconvenient parking may ease now. These cones are in place until the double yellow lines are painted."

"The Highways team intended the lines to be done before Easter but needed the road to dry out for more than 24hrs, and then have a dry spell to paint them. Cornwall? Dry March? ? Didn't happen!"

She penned: "Gosh guys, I'm really not feeling very welcome to visit Polzeath anymore, having worked really hard all year and saved for my one holiday.... To spend my cash locally We are not all idiots or inconsiderate."

UK seaside town turned into obstacle course in desperate war on tourist chaos (

The Beach Rangers replied: "Don't take the negative comments personally. Most of the people parking on the hill were local people or regular visitors to Polzeath trying to save money. The majority here welcome visitors and tourists. We wouldn't work in tourism if we didn't like it! You're always welcome at our beach."

The cones are there to keep the narrow roads accessible for traffic, as the DailyStar reports.