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Rachael Bletchly: Fix for homeless must be introduced to end rough sleeping now

Homeless addicts and alcoholics DO help themselves, days Rachael

Rachael Bletchly in Cardiff(Rachael Bletchly)

I met a woman called Sarah this week who changed my perceptions of Britain’s rough sleepers.

I’ve bought coffees for homeless people in shop doorways and given money to ­youngsters begging.

But if anyone was high on drugs I’d think: “They’ll just use cash to get a fix. How can you help someone who won’t help themselves?”

Having spent a few days on the streets of Cardiff, I now realise just how many homeless ­addicts and ­alcoholics DO help themselves – only to be failed by this Tory government.

Sarah, 36, had a dad who was a drug dealer and was addicted to heroin and crack at the age of 13.

 In a violent relationship she had two kids taken away, ended up homeless and stole to feed her habit.

She got hepatitis C from a dirty needle which led to cirrhosis and a chronic lung disease. In the past decade she’s served 22 prison sentences.

“I’m ashamed of what I’ve done,” she says, “I even sold my body to buy drugs – but after a while prison felt like home. Three meals a day, a proper bed, a break from reality.”