The National Black Police Association has blasted chief constables for failing to kick racism out of forces.

Speaking 25 years after the Macpherson Report, which made 70 recommendations for tackling racism in the police and wider society, president Andy George accused top brass of “gaslighting” Black officers, deliberately “dividing” Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff and ignoring the National Race Action Plan. He said: “Policing cannot change on its own. There must be adequate legislative requirements and oversight to ensure chief constables deliver on their words and promises.”

The Macpherson Report was published in 1999 as part of the inquiry into the Met Police’s botched investigation into the 1993 murder of Black teenager Stephen Lawrence. It concluded that the probe was “marred by a combination of incompetence, institutional racism and a failure of leadership”.

The Home Office said: “We know more needs to be done in policing to ensure everyone is treated fairly and without prejudice, regardless of their race or background. We have the most diverse police force in history and are continuing to improve police standards and culture as a matter of priority.”