A gifted student who gave up his studies when he realised the 9-5 life would not make him rich has boasted he now earns £4,000 a week, aged just 21.

Nathan Nazareth said he “aced” every subject and test despite not studying hard.

He eventually decided to ditch higher education to go into business instead, and is now enjoying the benefits.

His decision to give up college for entrepreneurship at first did not sit well with his parents, as he revealed he initially got “a lot of pushback and scepticism”.

Nathan said: “My whole entire life was the pursuit of academic excellence and I always had that going for me.

Nathan was a straight-A student before he left higher education (
Jam Press/@nathanazareth)

“I always aced tests and passed coursework with no issues, but my heart wasn’t in it so I was never fully committed.

"At the back of my mind, I was far more interested in entrepreneurship. I was expected to do well in school and go down the route of going to college, earning a degree, and either getting a corporate job or going into academia.

"But I knew in my heart that it would never make me happy, however well-suited I was for it. Over time, they [his parents] slowly eased into it.

“I don’t think it was a bad thing because it made me want to push harder to prove people wrong.

Nathan and his father (
Jam Press/@nathanazareth)
Nathan showed off his entrepreneurial spirit at school (
Jam Press/@nathanazareth)

“The pushback was from a place of love because the success rate in business isn’t great.

“It comes with a lot of sacrifice and loss and potential failure that people would want their loved ones to avoid.

“I understand why most parents don’t want their kids to go through the disaster, failures and sacrifices of starting their own business.”

Nathan’s natural business acumen saw him constantly hustling with side gigs like selling sweets to friends at school and working as a football coach in his teens.

Once he decided to leave education in 2019, he scoured the internet for information on how to make money fast and became interested in areas like crypto and dropshipping.

Ultimately, however, he settled on social media marketing, launching his own company, Outright E-commerce.

He added: “Every little taste of success I knew I was one step closer, and every failure I knew that too... so I just kept going with it.

“I entered the space at the right time and I guess I had an eye for knowing which business models worked and when to take action on specific things and not dwell on failures and execute quickly when I want to take part in something.

“That has been my key to success.”

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