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Family of courageous boy, 8, with cancer left heartbroken after being told the worst

Riley Bains, 8, lost his leg as he battled against cancer - but in another devastating blow, his family were told that the youngster's condition is now terminal

8-year-old Riley Bains was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and lost his leg(UGC)

The family of an 8-year-old who had his leg amputated as he fought cancer have been given the devastating news that his condition is now terminal.

Riley Bains has been known and loved by his community in Hartlepool for his fighting spirit - but following the tragic news, locals are now fundraising to send Riley to Disneyland with his family. Just a year prior, the youngster had his leg amputated below the knee at the RVI hospital in Newcastle after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma.

His mum, Sarah Kidson, said Riley had been cancer free for almost a year, with a scan just three months ago showing no trace of the disease. But when the schoolboy began complaining about pain in his arms, he was sent for an x-ray which showed the cancer had returned, spreading to both his shoulders, as well as his ribs, lungs and lymph nodes.

Riley's fighting spirit has touched the hearts of his community(UGC)

Mum Sarah, 45, said: "His arm was hurting and we thought he could have pulled it using his wheelchair too much. I took him for the x-ray and that's when they found it." Sarah, said she and her welder partner, Stephen Bains, 43, along with Riley's two older brothers, Dean, 27 and Andrew, 19, have been left in shock following the heartbreaking news.

She said: "It is nightmare really. We just have to put one foot in front of the other and take it day by day, that's all we can do." Brave Riley, who also has a five-year-old sister, Matilda, will be starting chemotherapy shortly in a bid to prolong his life as much as possible.

Riley is aware of the treatment he'll need to undergo and has taken it in his stride. His family and friends were amazed by how brave and cheerful he was when his lower leg was amputated. Sarah said: "Nothing phased him. He got out of bed two days later and was using a Zimmer frame four days later." Now, the family are hoping to take Riley on his trip to Disneyland, after his latest round of treatment.

Riley's lower leg was amputated while he underwent treatment for the cancer(UGC)

She added: "We didn't book it for this year because we wanted him to be more stable on his prosthetic leg, but we are still hoping to go." Riley's great-uncle, Stephen Picton, is urging everyone in Hartlepool to help give Marvel-lover Riley, and his little sister Matilda, the best superhero and princess party the area has ever seen. The event, booked for July 6 at the town's Steelworks Club, has already seen several members of the community offering to contribute in some way.

Stephen said: "All through this he kept a perfect smile and was a true hero. He is only 8 years old. Yes, not all heroes wear capes. We as a family are heartbroken, so if we can make him feel like a true hero for the day, that would be truly fantastic." Those who wish to donate to the business, and would sponsor a superhero, can send a bank transfer to Mr Stephen Picton, with the sort code 30-99-47 and account number 35120068 using 'superhero' as reference.