A drunk hotel manager was fined for smuggling himself onto a plane through the BAGGAGE CAROUSEL tunnel before telling staff: "I'm the co-pilot."

Lee Jezard went on a boozy binge before sneaking onto the empty Lufthansa plane in what aviation sources described as 'one of the biggest security breaches at a British airport.'

When cleaning staff on the plane challenged him, asking him for ID, the brazen 22-year-old explained: "I work for the Navy."

But he quickly admitted his prank, and confided in them: "I'm breaking into places to see if people can catch me - I go to prisons and other places'."

Pilot Prank: Lee Jezard snuck onto a plane while drunk and ended up in court (

Jezard today pleaded guilty to boarding the plane and breaching security at Birmingham Airport on July 17.

He also admitted stealing £36.45 worth of food from the airport's Caffe Nero where CCTV showed him behind the deserted counter 'charging his mobile and checking it.'

Birmingham Magistrates' Court heard the joke has since cost him job as a hotel manager.

Previous reports suggested Jezard, of Redditch, Worcs, went on a boozy rampage after missing his flight to Ibiza, but checks revealed he was not scheduled to travel on any plane.

Rude Awakening: Jezard crept onto a plane belonging to German airline Lufthansa before he was found asleep in the toilet by cleaners (

After his arrest, he told officers: "I was trying to show how easy it was to get on that plane - and I did it. I told the cleaners I was the co-pilot."

He struggled to recall everything that had happened, telling police he "wanted a walk around and thought it would be a good idea".

Security cameras showed Jezard crawling through the opening of a baggage carousel, getting on to the airport's tarmac apron, and then getting aboard the plane.

He was fined £95, ordered to pay full compensation to the coffee shop, together with £185 costs and a £20 victim surcharge.

Security Breach: Amazingly he got onto the plane at Birmingham Airport after going through a luggage carousel

Jezard's solicitor said his client "really had very little idea how he arrived at the airport" after going on a drinking binge with friends in Birmingham city centre.

Police had already spoken to a "wandering" and "clearly intoxicated" Jezard, after spotting him in other parts of the airport in the hours before the security breach, said Mr Khan.

Tariq Khan, Jezard's barrister, described the crime as 'a relatively low-level security breach,' which had left him "ostracised" by his own family, who were "not impressed" by his night-time escapades.

Not Impressed: Jezard's antics have left him ostracised by his family and he lost his job

"He had a very good job as a manager in a hotel and has lost that job and is now without employment."

Speaking at the time, Jezard boasted about his antics, bragging: "It's a good job I am not a terrorist. It's funny to my mates but I suppose it isn't funny for the airport."

Lawyer Mr Khan added: "If anything I would imagine security has been tightened after this incident at the airport.