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Woman gobsmacked to receive 'lost' jumper from other side of the world

When one woman was asked what her biggest regret in life was she immediately knew the answer – but luckily a stranger on the internet was there to help solve her problem

Celia thinks Puffins are rather wonderful (National Trust/Nick Upton/SWNS)

We all have regrets in life, big and small.

And while some may say it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, they obviously never missed out on a jumper like one woman named Celia.

So when her daughter asked her about her biggest regret, Celia knew the answer instantly. She had missed out on purchasing a specific puffin sweater when she visited Iceland.

She shared her regret on X, formerly known as Twitter, posting a picture of the jumper and writing: "It's been 3 years since I saw it in a shop there, and I still regret not buying it."

The post quickly gained traction, with many people empathising with her. "I totally understand this regret," one person agreed. "I remember a shirt I wish I had bought in 1975," another person chimed in.

Some tried to cheer her up by sharing pictures of their own puffin jumpers. Then, something unexpected happened – a man named Dave revealed he owned the exact same sweater. He wrote: "My regret is that I bought this exact sweater for my wife two years ago. She has worn it zero times. I'm in NYC. Cover shipping and it's yours."

He then sent the sweater to Germany where Celia lives. Almost two weeks after her original tweet, Celia received her package and shared the results on social media. Alongside a photo of the Puffin jumper, she wrote: "People are amazing!

"Just 10 days ago, I shared a thought about one of my regrets in life. Of course, not buying a sweater sounds like a minor regret, but SO MANY could relate! And then @dwiskus made my wish a reality. This sweater made it from NYC to Berlin in record time!".