A curvy model has stripped off to show off her "flaws."

Karina Irby is known for promoting body positivity online, and people love how authentic she is when it comes to body image. The bikini model and designer, who is the CEO of the brand Moana Swim, took to her Instagram page to remind her followers everyone has "imperfections".

The 34-year-old flaunted her stomach in the post, and shared things we "all have in common". Pointing hers out in a candid video, she said most people have cellulite, bloated bellies, tummy rolls and "giggling thighs."

Writing on Instagram, Karina said: "This will make you feel seen. Everything you’re self-conscious about, everything you pick yourself apart about, everything you think is a flaw.... IS JUST A PART OF THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE.

Karina said having cellulite, tummy rolls and 'giggling' thighs is all part of being human (

"These things aren’t flaws; they are just a part of having a heartbeat. Today is the day you STOP holding yourself back because of these things and live your life to the fullest.

"The sooner you realise this, the better your life will become."

Since Karina shared the post it has been liked more 6,000 times, with several of her followers rushing to comment. Fans praised her for helping people feel comfortable in their own skin and said she looked beautiful in the process.

One person said: "Karina you make everyone feel so accepted and welcomed on your page. I’ve followed you for quite awhile now and have watched all the love and all the hate you get and you continue to just be an advocate for girls who don’t feel like they belong.

"We owe it all to you for girl for being REAL, LOVING and sticking up for the girls who think it’s hard to stick up for themselves."

A second added: "One of my favourite things about my body is all my little spots and freckles on my face, I think they add character and show how much I love the outdoors."

Meanwhile, a third commented: "Love how confident you are.. I wish the world was full of more people like you!"

Fans were quick to thank Karina for the positive post (

Karina is on a mission to show that every body is a bikini body as she wants women to love themselves as they are. The social media star is one of many hoping to normalise real bodies and get rid of the notion you have to be "picture perfect" to be happy.

The body positive post comes after Karina admitted people call her "cringey" when she opens up about her body image struggles online. However, she hit back at the haters at the time, telling them: "You're mistaking my self-love and acceptance for 'cringe' and that sounds like a you problem."