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Vote Labour - end 14 years of Tory chaos and be on the right side of history on July 4

Ahead of a historic General Election on Thursday the people of the UK have a chance to reject the misery and blundering of the Tory government. It is time for change and a fresh start.

Starmer calls for Tories to face ‘democratic reckoning’ at the ballot box

Fourteen years of cuts, chaos, sleaze and blundering have broken Britain and made us all poorer.

The average person is £10,000 a year worse off in real teams than in 2010 and the toll that nearly a decade-and-a-half of successive Tory governments has taken is evident everywhere. It is a legacy of records – but not the good kind. An NHS waiting list at an all-time high of 7.5 million, 4.3 million kids living in poverty, 3 million people using food banks, 4 million children going to school hungry.

Mismanagement of our cash by PMs Cameron, Johnson, Truss and Sunak has crippled public services, bankrupted councils, crumbled schools and caused massive mortgage hikes for hard-working families. Yet while the poor have got poorer, those so-called leaders handed billions to their cronies and allowed energy company bosses to profit from our misery by taking home huge windfalls.



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It is time for change and a fresh start. Ahead of what is set to be a historic General Election on Thursday, six people from around the UK explain why they believe it deserves better and what will help it rise again: a Labour government led by Keir Starmer.

Clare Harding is the headteacher of Asquith Primary in Mansfield, Notts, and has been a teacher for 37 years. (Daily Mirror)
Shane Clark, 47, has worked for the ambulance service in Staverton, Glos, as an emergency care assistant for 17 years.

Kids hungry and cold at school

“The last 14 years have been the worst of my teaching career. Continued lack of funding and an increasingly dismissive and disrespectful attitude from government have eroded any trust and significantly impacted the lives of thousands of kids. My school has seen a 10% increase in the number of children eligible for free school meals in the last three years alone, and a steady increase over the time this government has been in office.

“Last winter my children sat in coats and gloves in their classrooms because the heating doesn’t work and neither the school nor the local authority can afford to fix it. It isn’t good enough. I’m convinced only Labour will bring the change we need.”

I’ve witnessed decline of NHS

“I can’t remember seeing ambulances queuing outside A&Es when I first started working – under a Labour government. Today, it has become normal to have 20 ambulances waiting outside an acute hospital, all with patients in the back, and you can be there for five to six hours. It means fewer ambulances responding to 999 emergencies and you see people deteriorate much more quickly when they are waiting for hours to be admitted. It’s one of the consequences of 14 years of Tory government, in which I’ve witnessed a massive decline in NHS services and a gradual erosion of grassroots care. In the last five years, things got much worse. A Labour government can’t come soon enough.”