A crackdown on rip-off school uniform prices could come into force by September in a major win for the Sunday People.

A Private Members’ Bill by Labour ’s Mike Amesbury passed through the Commons on Friday unopposed and now gets ­detailed scrutiny.

The new legislation will force England to follow the example of Wales, where headteachers can specify basic items but not styles or specific suppliers – letting parents shop around.

Mr Amesbury said: “It’s been great to work with such a progressive newspaper as the People. I’m really pleased for hard-pressed parents that it got though.”

School uniforms can cost parents hundreds of pounds per child every year (file photo) (

Nearly one in six families say uniform costs force them to cut back on food and other basic ­essentials.

One study found that branded gear from a single ­supplier cost an average £340 a year for secondaries and £255 for primaries.

Schools Minister Nick Gibb said: “The cost of a uniform must not be a barrier to a child ­attending school.

“This will improve the lives of families across the country.”