Keir Starmer has vowed to honour Stephen Lawrence's legacy by ensuring all children get a chance to reach their full potential in life.

The Labour leader said he wanted to smash the barriers to achievement and give kids "skills to tackle the future".

He and Stephen's mum Doreen visited a primary school as she prepared to mark 31 years today since the 18-year-old's murder. They met pupils including a boy who wants to be an architect as Stephen did.

The teenager was stabbed to death waiting for a bus in Eltham, South East London, on April 22, 1993, in an unprovoked racist attack by a gang of white youths. Stephen Lawrence Day this year is highlighting the “power of learning”. The youngster had ambitions to use his talent for maths, art and design to become an architect, but tragically his dream was never realised.

Keir Starmer visited Rotherhithe Primary School in South East London with Baroness Lawrence

Mr Starmer last week visited Rotherhithe Primary School in South East London with Baroness Lawrence. They talked to Year 5 and 6 pupils about their career ambitions.

Baroness Lawrence last night said it was a “privilege to join Keir in speaking with some fantastic young people, one of which wants to be an architect like Stephen”. “Thirty one years on from his death, I remain as committed as ever to championing his legacy by encouraging the next generation to develop key skills and overcome barriers to getting on in life,” she added.

Mr Starmer said: “Thirty one years ago, Stephen Lawrence was murdered in a senseless racist attack. An ambitious, inquisitive and talented boy, he had his whole life ahead of him. But that life was cruelly taken away from him.

“As Director of Public Prosecutions I was proud to have worked with Doreen and others to bring Stephen’s killers to justice. And since the moment I met her, she has been unwavering in her commitment to empower so many young people.”

Stephen Lawrence, 18, was stabbed to death waiting for a bus in South East London on April 22, 1993, in an unprovoked racist attack (

The Labour leader vowed to break down the barriers that stop youngsters achieving. He said: “As we take a moment to remember Stephen, we must also continue the work to honour his legacy through expanding opportunities for young people and equipping them with the skills they need to tackle issues of the future.”

The Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation was founded by Baroness Lawrence to help build a fairer society in which all young people, regardless of their background, have the opportunity to flourish. It works in classrooms to inspire children to dream big and to realise the importance of learning to achieve their ambitions.

After taking questions from pupils on their school visit, Mr Starmer and Baroness Lawrence observed a brass band practice session and heard from teachers. Speaking afterwards, Mr Starmer said he was “struck” by the children’s “ambition, drive and purpose to reach their potential in a range of careers, including as IT experts, police officers, architects”.

“Each child’s sense and understanding of the true power of learning was clear for us both to see,” he added. “It’s this focus on anticipating the challenges of tomorrow and unlocking potential that Doreen and the Foundation champion so tirelessly.”

Paying tribute to Baroness Lawrence, who he appointed as Labour’s race relations adviser, he said that her commitment to helping kids thrive “remains as strong as ever, as the Foundation continues its vital work in schools, youth clubs, and local communities across the country”.

“It’s testament to Doreen and her team that so many young people’s lives have been improved by Stephen’s legacy,” he continued. “My Labour Party will always be resolute in its support for Doreen and the Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation, and work tirelessly to ensure we break down barriers to opportunity for every child, everywhere.”

Labour has pledged to recruit 6,500 new teachers, including specialists in maths and science. The party has said it will introduce a broader curriculum, including giving children the digital skills they need so they are ready for work. It has also promised to expand apprenticeships and skills training.

In 2012, after a string of failings in the original investigation, Gary Dobson and David Norris, were finally jailed for Stephen’s murder. Mr Starmer headed the Crown Prosecution Service at the time.