One 69p food item could help you get rid of that bloated feeling.

Bloating is a horrible experience. It's uncomfortable, it can be painful, and it can even make your self-esteem take a nosedive as it often makes you feel as though you've suddenly put on weight. There are several reasons for bloating, from having a lot of gas in your gut to conditions such as IBS, and even just your stress levels. But there's one reason for bloating that's more common than anything else, and it's something all of us will deal with at some point in our lives - constipation.

According to health expert Cory Rodriguez, who goes by HealthWithCory online, many of us overlook constipation as a possible cause for that bloated feeling, but getting your bowels moving should be your "first step" when trying to get rid of your bloating.

In his latest Health Bites newsletter, he shared: "If things are not moving well in the intestines and you are not emptying properly, this could easily lead to bloating. The first step to bloating is to try and safely get unstuck! There are two ways I like doing this, through food and supplements."

One of the best ways to tackle constipation is to ensure you have plenty of fibre in your diet, and you can do this by consuming fibre-rich foods such as raspberries, whole wheat pasta, and broccoli. But there's one food item that surpasses all of these in terms of fibre content - split green peas.

Research studies have shown that split green peas are packed full of high soluble fibre, which helps to improve gut health, promote easy digestion and boost the regular passage of stools.

What's more, you can pick up a 500g bag of split green peas from Aldi for just 69p. This is by far the cheapest on the market, although you can buy the item from supermarkets such as Tesco and Asda for £1.15, or Sainsbury's for £1.50.

Split green peas are one of your five a day and are a great addition to meals such as soups, stews, and curries. Besides aiding constipation, fibre-rich foods can also help you feel fuller for longer and can potentially aid with weight loss as a result. Fibre-rich diets have also been linked to lower levels of heart disease.

And if you're not a fan of split green peas, Cory said other foods such as kiwi, dragon fruit, and pears can help. He explained: "They all have unique properties that can aid in a healthy bowel movement and it's more than just fibre."

He also added: "Besides food, the number one supplement I find helpful and well tolerated is magnesium citrate. It is an osmotic laxative and since most people need more magnesium anyway, it is a win-win. Always start small with both food and supplements for constipation, as you want to make sure you tolerate them well."

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