Gulping down two cups of the nation's favourite morning pick-me-up - coffee - could extend your life, according to new research.

The commonly consumed beverage perks up the heart, thereby bolstering longevity. In the most comprehensive study of its sort, scientists traced the health and coffee habits of over 400,000 Britons for a minimum of 10 years. The benefits revealed applied not just to those in pink health but also individuals suffering from cardiovascular disease.

Lead investigator Prof Peter Kistler of the Baker Heart Institute in Melbourne, Australia stated: "Because coffee can quicken heart rate, some people worry that drinking it could trigger or worsen certain heart issues. This is where general medical advice to stop drinking coffee may come from.

"But our data suggest that daily coffee intake shouldn't be discouraged, but rather included as a part of a healthy diet for people with and without heart disease. We found coffee drinking had either a neutral effect-meaning that it did no harm-or was associated with benefits to heart health."

People who tucked into two to three cups a day showed optimum benefits, sporting a 10 to 15 percent reduced chance of developing coronary heart disease, heart failure, heart rhythm troubles, or dying for any reason compared to their counterparts who never dip their lips in the aromatic beverage.

Explaining the health boost brought on by coffee, Professor Kistler pointed out that coffee beans are loaded with over 100 nutritious plant compounds that ease oxidative stress and inflammation while boosting insulin sensitivity and metabolism, reports Gloucestershire Live.

The study revealed that the biologically active compounds in coffee not only block fat absorption in the gut but also prevent molecules linked to abnormal heart rhythms. It turns out that those who drank less than two cups or more than three didn't fare as well as others.

Interestingly, the lowest risk of stroke or heart-related death was found among individuals who indulged in just one cup of coffee daily. Moreover, for those diagnosed with an arrhythmia, such as a rapid heartbeat condition known as AFib (atrial fibrillation), enjoying a single cup could mean they're nearly 20 percent less likely to die compared to those who abstain from coffee.

Prof Kistler pointed out: "Clinicians generally have some apprehension about people with known cardiovascular disease or arrhythmias continuing to drink coffee. So they often err on the side of caution and advise them to stop drinking it altogether due to fears that it may trigger dangerous heart rhythms. But our study shows that regular coffee intake is safe and could be part of a healthy diet for people with heart disease."

While the study suggests that coffee isn't associated with new or worsening heart disease and might even offer some protection, it's still not recommended for people to increase their coffee consumption if it leads to anxiety or discomfort. Prof Kistler stated: "There is a whole range of mechanisms through which coffee may reduce mortality and have these favourable effects on cardiovascular disease. Coffee drinkers should feel reassured that they can continue to enjoy coffee even if they have heart disease.

"Coffee is the most common cognitive enhancer - it wakes you up, makes you mentally sharper and it's a very important component of many people's daily lives."

According to an international team who used UK BioBank data, regular consumption - from anything as low as one cup to more than six cups daily - has been linked with improved heart health. Researchers compared coffee intake levels to heart diseases and mortalities.

Amazingly, their research showed that drinking coffee could significantly lower the risk of heart problems, regardless of other risk factors such as lack of exercise, alcohol consumption, smoking, diabetes or high blood pressure. The scientists observed 382,535 participants, averaging 57 years old, who had no known heart complications initially. They also monitored 34,279 individuals who were already dealing with some form of cardiovascular disease at the start of the study.

They found that in the second group, downing two to three cups of brew each day was also linked to lower chances of mortalities compared to those that steered clear of joe. Moreover, any level of coffee intake did not heighten the risk of arrhythmia issues including AFib or atrial flutter, which is something clinicians frequently worry about, professed Prof Kistler.

The study, which included 24,111 people with arrhythmia at the start, found that coffee drinkers had a lower risk of death. For instance, those with AFib who consumed one cup of coffee daily were almost 20 per cent less likely to die compared to non-coffee drinkers. A separate analysis of instant, ground, caffeinated or decaf coffee once again concluded that two to three cups per day was optimal. Lower mortality rates were observed across all types.

While decaf didn't show favourable effects against arrhythmia cases, it did reduce cardiovascular disease - except for heart failure. This suggests that caffeinated coffee is generally preferable - and there are no benefits to choosing decaf over caffeinated coffees, according to Prof Kistler. Cardiovascular disease is the world's leading cause of death - taking an estimated 17.9 million lives annually.

Coffee consumption has also been associated with fighting cancer, dementia, diabetes and depression. People are typically advised not to exceed four cups a day - approximately 400mg. Caffeine is a stimulant - and can induce insomnia and even muscle tremors. The findings were presented at an American College of Cardiology meeting in Washington DC.