A doctor has weighed in on a debate that has been circulating on social media. It comes as some people have claimed it is possible to catch a common STI by using shared gym equipment.

In a video that has now been watched almost 10million times, TikToker @Alaskaaayoung77 claims she heard of a person getting chlamydia after using a towel on their face at the gym. The story has left many people worried, but a doctor has now explained all.

Dr Joe Whittington, an emergency medical physician, took to TikTok to debunk trending videos of gym-goers being extra cautious while working out amid the latest claims. Although it is usually encouraged to keep machines clean for the next person, people seem to be doing it for the wrong reasons.

The medical expert spoke out in response to a TikToker who filmed herself thoroughly wiping down every piece of gym equipment she touched. "POV - You keep seeing TikTok's where ppl are getting chlamydia on their face after touching gym machines", she wrote in the caption.

Dr Joe replied: "Can you really get chlamydia from gym equipment? Well, we all know it's primarily spread through doing the deed - not through casual contact or touching surfaces. Unless you're doing something very unusual with those gym machines, you're safe."

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the UK, according to the NHS. It is a bacterial infection usually spread through sexual intercourse or contact with infected genital fluids.

The NHS stressed that chlamydia cannot be passed on through casual contact, such as kissing and hugging. Or, from sharing baths, towels, swimming pools, toilet seats or cutlery.

Although people do not need to worry about catching an STI at the gym, Dr Joe did warn: "You do have to worry about MRSA, ringworm and skin warts so make sure you wipe down the equipment before and after you use it."

Gymgoers were warned that diseases like MRSA, ringworm and skin warts can be passed on by touch (
Getty Images)

MRSA is a type of bacteria that usually lives harmlessly on the skin. But, if it gets inside the body, it can cause a serious infection that needs immediate treatment with antibiotics.

The illness mainly spreads through touch. This can happen if you touch a person with MRSA, or something they’ve touched. MRSA will only cause an infection if it spreads inside the body.

Ringworm is a common fungal infection that, despite its name, is not caused by worms. You can usually buy medicine from a pharmacy to treat it.

The main symptom of ringworm is a rash. It may look red or darker than the surrounding skin, depending on your skin tone. Ringworm is caused by a type of fungi and can be passed on through close contact with an infected person, animal or object.

Warts and verrucas are caused by a virus that can be spread to other people from contaminated surfaces or through close skin contact. You're more likely to spread a wart or verruca if your skin is wet (sweaty) or damaged.

It can take months for a wart or verruca to appear after contact with the virus. You can buy creams, plasters and sprays from pharmacies to treat warts and verrucas.