Being aware of the subtle signs our bodies give us to alert us to potential issues could lead to early intervention and a better outcome. And now a doctor has flagged one of those signs.

NHS doctor Renee Hoenderkamp said a painless sign on your skin could indicate high cholesterol. Along with high blood pressure, it is a condition that can lead to a higher risk of heart disease and other serious health issues, despite showing few visible symptoms. But Dr Hoenderkamp, who is GB News' resident doctor, said keeping an eye on your skin could pay off.

She said said: "You can get yellowish-orange growths on your skin if your cholesterol levels are high."

According to the doctor, these waxy lumps are cholesterol deposits under your skin. When they appear on the eyelids, they're known as xanthelasma, reports Birmingham Live.

Studies suggest that around half of people with xanthelasma have abnormal cholesterol levels. These deposits are referred to as xanthoma when they form elsewhere on the skin.

As Dr Hoenderkamp explained, they are painless and can appear in various areas, particularly around the corners of your eyes. The sudden emergence of bumps across the affected skin area can resemble a rash, warts, or molluscum contagiosum.

In reality, they are fatty cholesterol deposits caused by extremely high levels of triglycerides (a type of cholesterol) in the blood. "Triglycerides is often high in familial hypercholesterolaemia," she said.

Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is a genetic disorder characterised by an impaired ability to clear harmful LDL-cholesterol ("bad cholesterol") from the bloodstream, which significantly raises the risk of developing heart disease at an early age.