A husband's reaction to his wife's simple request has sent shockwaves through the internet.

Washing dishes, cooking dinners and caring for the kids may encompass what a 'traditional housewife' is to you. It's a trope that's polarised women for centuries - with some leaning into its classic ideals and others doing everything possible to escape them.

And now, one woman - who's certainly in the latter camp - has told her husband she doesn't want to be a home keeper any longer, while stressing that cooking is now off the cards. The situation kicked off just today (June 4) after the 27-year-old woman said her husband refused to wash the dishes.

While you may assume this was just a one-off, the husband instead meant that he would never do them again, having come back from work completely enraged. "He said he just got off the work and he’s washing why," the anonymous woman explained on Reddit.

"Well, firstly he left the dishes overnight and then breakfast dishes got added to it. So, had he washed when he was supposed to he wouldn’t have had a mountain to wash. Secondly, he’s the one that suggested we take turns - it was his turn."

Unsurprisingly, these comments hit a nerve. And so, to get her own back, the woman sent him a bold text. "I don’t want to cook anymore. So we can do frozen foods or whatever," it apparently read.

Aside from the occasional hot dog, the woman claimed they don't actually cook very much anyway. And now that she's going back to school, a shift in expectations is vital to make things work. She explained: "He wants me to cook and wash everything all the time.

"He wants a traditional wife but he hasn’t provided a lifestyle that protects and enables me to not have to work or seek an education?? No. If he wanted to pay me for all the services I provide our family that would be one thing but no it’s just my role/ duty as a wife."

While she thought this was reasonable, the husband didn't seem to think so, sending a startling text in response: "I’ll slap you. Respect yourself." Ignoring this, she didn't back down and stated again: "Seriously. I don’t have time for that, it’ll save money and we can do frozen food and sandwiches.

"I’ll cook the last of the things in the house. Then we can do premade things that you just throw into the pot or oven." Bafflingly, he then added: "You’re not a real human being," and: "You’re just a modern white woman."

Shaken up by the experience, she reflected on Reddit: "Why is okay that he gets to decide he no longer wants to do something but it’s the end of the world when I do the same??" This worrying admission soon racked up plenty of comments on Reddit, with various users concerned for the woman's wellbeing.

One wrote: "I’d be out that door the second my husband threatened to slap me. Girl for you safety get out fast." Another added: "Your sexist t*** of a husband needs to learn how to think rationally. No, you're not being dramatic." Others also chimed in: "Your life does NOT have to be like this," and: "Leave before it gets worse."

After the text exchange, the woman later revealed her husband backed down, saying: "If you think it’s what’s best for our marriage okay." But soon after, he walked out and started 'peeing in the bathroom in a drawer', so she was convinced he was drunk.

Even still, other Redditors were adamant this doesn't excuse his behaviour. One said: "Now’s the time. He peed in YOUR draw on your things. Not his, not anyone else’s. This is what he thinks of you. Leave today when he’s at work."

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