Summer is sort of in full swing.

Many of us will be out and about, enjoying a pint in a beer garden, firing up the BBQ, or catching up with family and friends - when the rain stays away. However, this also means we'll be seeing more of one particular unwelcome guest - wasps. While they're beneficial for flowers and gardens, they can also be quite bothersome.

But don't worry, pest control expert Adam Juson from Merlin Environmental has shared his top five affordable and simple tricks to keep wasps at bay this summer, reports the Express.

Coffee powder

Most of us probably have some stashed away in our kitchen cupboards. Even better, this hack is inexpensive, straightforward, and requires minimal equipment. All you need to do is put some coffee powder in a fire-proof bowl and ignite it until the granules glow.

Juson explained: "The burning coffee powder gives off smoke and scent that wasps can't stand. Don't worry about using fresh coffee - if you have a coffee machine, leftover grounds work just as well.

"Remember that the coffee grounds will get very hot so keep them out of reach of little ones! On the topic of smoke, almost all smoke will disturb wasps which means incense sticks are a great addition to your outside gathering. Plus, they smell great too!"

Copper coins

Interestingly, another scent that wasps can't stand is copper. The expert suggested: "Placing 1p and 2p coins around your outside area, along the table and in plant pots, to keep these pests at bay. Alternatively, you could place a copper coin into a bag of water and hang it on door handles around your home and your outside area to prevent wasps from coming near."

Essential oils

Perhaps a nicer smelling deterrent in saying goodbye to those wasps is essential oils. "Citronella is a classic repellent and comes from lemongrass," Mr Juson said. "It's most commonly added to candles which can be lit during al fresco meal times to boost the atmosphere and deter wasps.

"Tea tree is another scent that wasps hate but you might struggle to find a tea tree candle. Instead, place bowls of tea tree and water around your outside area and along your dinner table. Basil and garlic are two other scents that will naturally deter wasps.

"So consider placing pots of basil along your barbecue table. When it comes to garlic, you could either plan a garlic-infused spread or add to water and spray in areas that you don't want wasps to be attracted to."

Cover up

Covering your food and drinks is a great way to minimise wasps. The expert suggested: "This is because they're attracted to sweet smells and will be on the hunt for food and water." However, did you know that the clothes you wear can also have an impact on how many wasps are around?

"Wasps are attracted to light and bright colours so choose muted or dark colours for your summer outfit. If you do want to wear something bright, then opt for red! Wasps can't see red so it's a safe choice!"

The paper bag trick

Why not try a clever trick to keep wasps at bay? Just grab a brown paper bag, scrunch it up to resemble a wasp's nest, and hang it nearby. Mr Juson explained: "Hang it nearby and wasps will think it's a rival hive and stay clear from the area. It sounds simple but it really works!"