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Mensa lists 17 early signs you may have a gifted child - including talking a lot

Mensa has a list of characteristics that could indicate your child is much brighter than average - including liking music, talking a lot and having an unusual memory

Does your child have an unusual hobby or a passion for the news? They could be a genius

At some point every parent has probably wondered if their child is especially gifted, but did you know there are signs to look out for that might help you to tell for sure?

Mensa, the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world, is open to those who score in the 98th percentile on supervised IQ tests – so it's full of very brainy people – and this group says it may be able to see whether your child could be similarly gifted.

Mensa claims that the following characteristics could indicate your child is brighter than the rest of their class - and that might mean they are suitable for the supervised IQ test to determine whether they can be admitted to the society.

The organisation says its own supervised IQ tests are suitable for children aged over 10-and-a-half, but with British Mensa's youngest current member only three (the oldest member is 102!), there's no age limit to see if you're brainier than the average person.

Does your child tick these boxes?

1. An unusual memory

Being able to memorise times tables, addresses, or country names at a young age could be an indicator of intelligence – if your child is able to remember small details or a wide range of information that you yourself might forget, they may be able to learn maths or foreign languages well in class.

2. Passing intellectual milestones early

Learning to read, talk, or play board games faster than their peers could mean that your child has an intelligent brain and may need more stimulation to be happier and more challenged.

3. Reading early

A vested interest in The Very Hungry Caterpillar may not seem like a genius undertaking, but if your child is reading earlier than their peers, they could be on the way to a brainy future.