Jim Carrey has launched a biting verbal attack on the mother of his ex-girlfriend Catriona White, accusing her of making irrelevant and false allegations against him in her wrongful death lawsuit.

The 54-year-old claims accusations that he gave his Irish ex STDs is "irrelevant" to the case, and demanded that the judge strike such mentions of him suffering from such diseases from the case, as well as all mention of passing them on to Catriona.

In legal documents filed on December 19, the actor has also raised the fact that in two of her suicide notes, the 30-year-old make-up artist spoke about him lovingly, while no mention is made of Brigid Sweetman, her mother.

Jim Carrey attends The Funeral of Cathriona White (
Cathriona White

The millionaire is further irritated by claims that he went back on an agreement to pay for funeral costs.

The actor has been fighting back against two lawsuits filed against him by Brigid Sweetman in October which accused him of complicity in his ex-girlfriend's suicide.

She also claimed that he gave Cathriona three sexually transmitted diseases, and when Catriona confronted him about them he called her a "whore" and used the threat of expensive Hollywood "fixers" to silence her.

Carrey's lawyers have described the suits - in which Cathriona White's mum Brigid Sweetman said the actor should be "ashamed" of his treatment of her daughter over claims he illegally provided the Irish make-up artist with prescription drugs involved in her suicide - as a "shakedown".

Cathriona White's mother, Bridgid Sweetman (
Irish Daily Mirror)

In a lengthy declaration filed in court, Carrey gave a detailed account of his relationship with Cathriona White, who died of an overdose in September 2015.

He also attacked White's mum and White's estranged husband, Mark Burton, who also accused Carrey of supplying her with the painkillers she used to end her life.

Cathriona White and Jim Carrey (

Carrey's attorneys were seeking to put the litigation on pause until Brigid posts a $372,700 bond, which they contend will be necessary to cover Carrey's legal defense.

The motion also included a 10-page declaration from Carrey in which he narrated the troubled relationship in deeply personal terms.

In the declaration, Carrey professed that he "truly cared" for White but like all couples they had their "ups and downs."

Splash News)

Carrey said that he paid for White's housing and provided her with a stipend, but turned down her request for marriage so she could avoid deportation back to Ireland.

In order to obtain a green card, White married Burton, even though she and Carrey were still dating.

"To my surprise, I later learned that in January 2013 Cat married a man in Las Vegas for her green card, while at the same time maintaining her actual relationship with me," Carrey writes in the declaration.

Cathriona White

Carrey vehemently denied White's 2013 accusations that he gave her three sexually transmitted diseases, and even got back with her in November 2014 because "she still loved me and I still loved her."

"Normally Cat was very sweet, but when she felt rejected or upset she was prone to making up horrible stories and acting out in vindictive ways," Carrey writes.

"Despite the rocky ending of our first relationship, Cat and I decided to put our breakup behind us and start seeing each other again. What followed was a new relationship, with ten wonderful, loving months together of the most beautiful relationship ever."

Cathriona White's last tweet

In September of 2015, Carrey said he and White disagreed about cohabitating and she moved out.

The document also claims that “Sweetman asked Carrey to buy her a house in 2015 and when he declined she became angry and bitter”.

They go on to claim that Cathriona's mum's allegations, along with her husband's, are a “shameless money grab.”

Cathriona White, Jim Carrey May 18, 2015

Carrey confirmed he was taking pain medication sparingly for a back injury at the time, but the pills disappeared when White moved out.

His declaration ends with him describing the shock after learning she had overdosed on them and how he's been in mourning ever since.

“White’s suicide, although tragic and devastating to Carrey, was her choice,” the document reads. “The evidence is irrefutable that White sought out and stole Carrey’s prescription medication from his home and intentionally ingested large quantities for the sole purpose of ending her life.”

Attached to the declaration as exhibits were more than a dozen photographs of Carrey and White in happier times, correspondence from Brigid, and his final text messages to her, as well as White's suicide note (which did not mention any sexually transmitted diseases, which Sweetman says drove her daughter to commit suicide).

Brigid's lawyer Michael Avenatti called Carrey “disgusting and dishonest,” in a statement released today.

“Earlier today, Jim Carrey filed a baseless motion with the court as part of his continued attack on a grieving mother. His conduct is disgusting and dishonest. Who attacks a mother of a dead girl?”

“Carrey is a fraud and when he is forced to testify under oath, the ugly truth will be laid bare. We are confident that the court will see through the nonsense Carrey is peddling," he said.