DéjàVu: KV-cache Streaming for Fast, Fault-tolerant Generative LLM Serving

  • Foteini Strati ,
  • Sara Mcallister ,
  • Amar Phanishayee ,
  • ,
  • Ana Klimovic

ICML 2024 |

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Distributed LLM serving is costly and often underutilizes hardware accelerators due to three key challenges: bubbles in pipeline-parallel deployments caused by the bimodal latency of prompt and token processing, GPU memory overprovisioning, and long recovery times in case of failures. In this paper, we propose DéjàVu, a system to address all these challenges using a versatile and efficient KV cache streaming library (DéjàVuLib). Using DéjàVuLib, we propose and implement efficient prompt-token disaggregation to reduce pipeline bubbles, microbatch swapping for efficient GPU memory management, and state replication for fault-tolerance. We highlight the efficacy of these solutions on a range of large models across cloud deployments.