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In Houston, there is a nasty, classist habit of deliberately mispronouncing Spanish-language names and words. I used to hear people who self-defined as “upper class” mispronounce “San Felipe” (a street) as “Sen Flippy”, mispronounce the names of Latino/as to their face, and pretend in Mexican restaurants to not know how to pronounce the items the menu (really? they’re Texas-born adults and they can’t say “enchiladas”?). 


  1. toads-on-frogstools reblogged this from microaggressions
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  4. capitalismisoverparty reblogged this from microaggressions
  5. gardnerhill said: Ugh. Tontos. No va a matarle aprender unas palabras en espanol!
  6. specificfuckery said: people come to So. Cal and do that, too.
  7. argentarachnids reblogged this from microaggressions and added:
    I’m more than sure that’s how we got words like “buckaroo” and “vamoose”
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