5 tips for basic roulette money management

Roulette Money Management Tips

Do you really want to be that guy who blows his entire online casino bankroll in 15 minutes? Or that lady who keeps digging into her wallet for more cash as she orders her eighth bourbon and diet? Making your money last makes for a better casino experience, whether online or in person, and an actual chance at some returns at the roulette tables, which already have a built-in house advantage.

Have some fun, but play wisely with your gambling funds. Here’s some advice to help manage that bankroll and give yourself a shot at a winning night — if that little white ball is friendly.

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1. Stake it or leave it — Finding the right table limits can be key to making your money last. Know what you are willing to lose, and find a table that won’t break the bank. If you’re more of a $5 or $10 player, avoid tables with $20 stakes. Whether in Atlantic City or playing online, there are always options to suit every type of gambler. And the drinks are still free — just depends if they’re delivered by a cocktail waitress or you raid your own fridge.

2. Percentage plays — Along with choosing the right stakes, don’t gamble too big a percentage of your bankroll on any one spin. If your gambling stash for the night is $500, betting $75 a spin may not be a long-term winning strategy. Be more conservative with your hard-earned dollars. Try for about 5 percent of that total to make the cash last.

Roulette Money Tips3. Cut those losses — Have a predetermined amount of money you’re willing to wager. Once you reach your loss limit, it’s time to head to the exit doors, or shut down the laptop. Make sure the ATM is off limits, because not only will you lose more, but those losses come with a hefty service charge. Also, don’t feel the need just to keep playing. If things aren’t going well, get up and find another game, or another table, anything to change your luck. Another good plan? Have a win cap. Reach a nice profit and head to the bar for a celebratory drink — or call it a night altogether. Avoiding giving it all back may be as important as not getting into a hole to begin with.

4. Fill ‘er up — Simply looking for tables with more players is a good idea. Fuller tables make the action a little slower and that can conserve cash in the long run. The less time your money is exposed to the house edge, the less you lose. Hit a hot streak? So much the better.

5. Hit the road – Maybe it’s been a good night. There just seems to be a magnet pulling that little white ball to the right numbers. You’re up a few hundred bucks, have a big smile on your face, and just ordered another drink. Or maybe you’re playing online and Lady Luck keeps pushing chips your way. Remember: The casino has a huge advantage in the long run and love it when players try to let those winnings ride. Don’t be afraid to walk away and take those winnings home with you.

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