Children's Advocacy Center serving McLean, Livingston & Dewitt Counties


Since 1995, the McLean County Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) has been providing specialized services to child victims and their nonoffending caregivers in McLean County. In 1999, we expanded our efforts and began to serve Livingston and Dewitt County children, pursuant to the protocol, at satellite locations within those jurisdictions.  The CAC is a safe and child-friendly place where children who may have been abused or witnessed violence can come to talk about their experiences with trained professionals. The CAC provides a supportive environment for the child and their family and coordinates the investigation and intervention process to minimize trauma for the child. At the CAC, there is an inter-agency coordinated response in which representatives from law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical, and victim advocacy - collaborate to investigate child abuse reports, conduct forensic interviews, determine and provide evidence-based interventions, and assess cases for prosecution. The CAC provides a strong community presence and outreach on child abuse prevention and education issues.

CAC organization


The mission of the CAC is to support the rights of children in cases of abuse and neglect, to operate utilizing the ChildFirst® Doctrine, and to protect children from abuse. The CAC aims to provide comprehensive service delivery to child victims and their families, ensuring that the best interests of abused/neglected children are met.  

The Children's Advocacy Center does not discriminate on the basis of gender identity, race, national origin, color, religion, sex, disability, age, and sexual orientation. 

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