Welcome to the Legal Marketing Handbook

Welcome to the Legal Marketing Handbook

A big hello to all our law firm friends.

We are Solicitors Online Marketing .

And this is the Legal Marketing Handbook.

We’re not trying to overcomplicate things over here.

→ We’re a marketing agency dedicated to growing law firms.

→ And this is a newsletter about the strategies that help us do so.

It’s that simple, really.

Solicitors Online Marketing: A Quick Background

Solicitors Online Marketing (SOM) was founded way back in 2011.

At that time, however, we failed to understand that the law industry was deeply entrenched in outdated business development tactics and solicitors (given how busy they are) are sometimes late to the party.

(Sorry to any solicitors who are reading this… please don’t take legal action.)

So whilst we were trying to tell law firms how easy it was to get new clients online, it was often falling on deaf ears. 

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Fast forward 10+ years. 

We’ve decided to re-open Solicitors Online Marketing for business.

☑ A rebrand.

☑ A new marketing strategy.

☐ A new website (in progress).

We still have a number of long-standing law firm clients from SOM in its original form.

(Not to mention a few already in the pipeline.)

During those 10 years, however, marketing has changed a lot.

So too has the legal landscape.

In particular, the legal industry has begun to embrace marketing with open arms.

This makes us very happy.

We love working with lawyers – they’re loyal, hard-working, and ambitious, even if they are sometimes a bit slow to reply to requests from pesky marketers.

Now, our goal is to help as many law firms as humanly possible smash their growth targets.  

To do so, we want to grow law firms throughout the country using tried and tested marketing strategies.

Whether that’s guiding in-house teams or acting as a trusted third-party marketing team.

The Legal Marketing Handbook: What to Expect

This biweekly newsletter will offer a fresh perspective on legal marketing.

Insight into modern inbound marketing techniques and explanations on how to practically implement them. 

In other words, we want to equip law firms with the tools they need to attract new business and grow online. 

Why is this so important?

In the digital age, growth will rely upon your ability to master these marketing channels.

Evolve or die.

The core principles to help law firms will be dissected in our first 6 newsletters.

Upcoming newsletters:

  • Edition 1: How to Choose the Right Marketing Channels
  • Edition 2: LinkedIn Marketing for Law Firms
  • Edition 3: SEO for Law Firms
  • Edition 4: Google Ads for Law Firms
  • Edition 5: LinkedIn Ads for Law Firms
  • Edition 6: Websites for Law Firms

If you can’t tell, we’re pretty serious about this “growing law firms” thing.

You’ll soon realise that.

Oh, and we’ll also be doing webinars, polls, ask the experts and much more. 

But for now, subscribe to our newsletter and our page Solicitors Online Marketing

Join us on our journey.

Tom Barlow

We help law firms grow (online). SIMPLE.



Adrian D.

We help law firms grow (online). SIMPLE.


Super exciting!

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