Readiness for Cloud Migration

Readiness for Cloud Migration

Cloud migration has become imperative for businesses to maintain competitive advantage and operational efficiency.

Determining organizational readiness for SAP cloud migration is a critical foundational task.

This includes evaluating the current IT infrastructure, business processes, analyzing integrations and customizations, and preparing the workforce for the impending changes.

This helps identify potential challenges and ensures that the necessary groundwork is laid for a smooth transition. Without a comprehensive readiness assessment, organizations may face significant risks, including prolonged downtime, data loss, and operational disruptions.

As SAP consultants, your role is to mitigate these risks, beginning with a clear, actionable roadmap based on a detailed understanding of the current state of the client's IT and business environments.

In this article from IgniteSAP , we will explore some of the essential steps to carry out a thorough readiness assessment.

Key Components of Readiness

Here is an overview of the main areas of a readiness check:

Examine the existing IT infrastructure, including servers, storage, and network capabilities. Determine if they can support the demands of a cloud environment or if upgrades are necessary.

Map out and analyze current business processes that interact with SAP systems. Understanding these processes helps in identifying dependencies and inherent bottlenecks.

Identify all integrations between SAP and non-SAP systems. Gauge their compatibility with cloud technologies for smooth integration.

Evaluate any customizations and extensions in the current SAP setup. Document these customizations to understand their impact and plan for their migration.

Check provisions for compliance and security considerations in the current system.

Analyze the preparedness of the workforce to adapt to the new cloud environment. This includes evaluating the skill levels of IT staff and end-users and planning for necessary training and support.

Methodical Assessment

Start by gathering data through interviews, surveys, and system audits. Engage with stakeholders across different levels of the organization to get a complete picture of the current state. Use standardized tools and frameworks for consistency and accuracy in your assessment.

Once the data is collected, analyze it to identify gaps and areas requiring attention. Develop a detailed report outlining your findings and recommendations. This should highlight critical issues, possible risks, and mitigation strategies.

Present your findings to the client in a clear and actionable format, ensuring stakeholders understand the importance of each aspect of readiness and the steps needed to address any deficiencies.

IT Infrastructure Assessment

Current IT Landscape Evaluation

Infrastructure assessment involves a comprehensive review of the organization's hardware, software, network capabilities, and overall IT architecture.

Start by cataloging all physical and virtual servers, storage devices, and other critical hardware components. Measure their current usage, performance, and capacity, to determine if they can handle the increased demands of a cloud environment.

Create a detailed inventory of all software applications, including operating systems, middleware, and database management systems. Make sure they are compatible with the chosen cloud platform and identify any software that may require updates or replacements.

Evaluate the organization's network infrastructure, focusing on bandwidth, latency, and overall network performance. Cloud environments require reliable and high-speed network connections to ensure optimal performance and user experience.

Review the existing network security protocols, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and VPN configurations. Make sure they are capable of securing data in transit between on-premises systems and the cloud.

Review the extent of virtualization within the current IT environment. Organizations with a high degree of virtualization are generally better positioned for cloud migration, as many cloud platforms leverage virtualization technologies.

Identify any existing cloud-ready components, such as containerized applications or micro-services architectures, that can be directly migrated or easily adapted to the cloud.

SAP and Non-SAP Integrations

Integrations between SAP systems and other enterprise applications play a crucial role in daily operations. Ensuring these are compatible with the cloud environment is vital for a successful migration.

Document all integrations, including those with non-SAP systems. This includes APIs, middleware, data exchange protocols, and custom scripts that facilitate data flow between systems.

Analyze dependencies between different systems and integrations. Identify any critical dependencies that may pose risks during the migration process.

Consider the compatibility of current integrations with the cloud platform. Identify any integrations that may need to be re-engineered or replaced to function properly in the cloud.

Consider using cloud-native middleware solutions that can facilitate integration between SAP and non-SAP systems.

Mapping Business Processes

Conduct a detailed analysis of current business processes that interact with SAP systems. This includes documenting every step, from data entry and transaction processing to reporting and decision-making.

SAP Signavio is a useful tool that can be used for readiness checks in SAP cloud migrations, as it provides visual process mapping with BPMN diagrams. The tool identifies inefficiencies and bottlenecks, allowing for thorough process analysis, optimization, and gap analysis between current and future states. SAP Signavio also enables process simulation to test and validate workflows, ensuring functionality post-migration, and documents compliance-related processes to meet regulatory standards.

Analyze dependencies between different business processes to understand how changes in one area might impact others. Confirm that all interconnected processes are considered during the migration planning.

Map out the flow of data between processes. Identify critical data points and make certain they are preserved and accurately migrated to the cloud environment.

Evaluating Customizations and Extensions

Create a comprehensive inventory of all customizations, including custom code, user exits, BAdIs (Business Add-Ins), and enhancements. Document their purpose and how they interact with standard SAP functionalities.

List all extensions and third-party add-ons integrated with the SAP system. Evaluate their compatibility with the cloud platform and any required updates or replacements.

Survey the compatibility of customizations with the cloud environment. Use tools such as SAP Custom Code Migration Worklist to identify issues and provide remediation suggestions.

Evaluate the performance impact of customizations in the cloud. Cloud environments may handle custom code differently, affecting response times and resource utilization.

Optimize custom code to align with cloud-based best practices. This may involve refactoring or re-engineering code to improve performance and maintainability.

Where possible, recommend replacing customizations with standard SAP functionalities available in the cloud version. This reduces maintenance costs and enhances system stability.

Documenting Findings and Recommendations

Document all findings, including process maps, customization inventories, and impact assessments. Ensure the documentation is clear and accessible to all stakeholders.

Provide specific recommendations based on the findings. Flag areas requiring immediate attention and suggest best practices for optimizing processes and customizations in the cloud.

Engage with stakeholders to review the documented findings and recommendations. Verify alignment on the proposed changes and address any concerns or feedback.

Establish a feedback loop to continually refine and improve business processes and customizations throughout the migration journey.

Other SAP Tools and Services

SAP provides various tools which can facilitate organizational readiness assessments, helping consultants identify issues and streamline the migration journey.

SAP Readiness Check:

SAP Readiness Check analyzes the current SAP environment to identify compatibility issues, custom code adjustments, and necessary system updates. It provides a detailed report highlighting critical areas that need attention before migration.

Run the SAP Readiness Check early in the assessment process. Use its findings to prioritize tasks and contribute to a migration roadmap.

SAP Cloud Platform Integration Advisor:

This tool assists in analyzing and designing integrations between SAP and non-SAP systems. It provides recommendations on best practices for integration and helps data flow post-migration. Use its guidance to re-engineer or adapt integrations as necessary.

SAP Solution Manager:

SAP Solution Manager offers functionality for managing and monitoring SAP systems. It includes tools for change management, system monitoring, and project management, and helps in tracking progress, managing changes, and ensuring system stability.

SAP Cloud ALM:

SAP Cloud ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) is a cloud-based tool designed to support the entire lifecycle of SAP applications. It offers real-time monitoring, project management, and readiness assessment capabilities, making it a useful tool for SAP cloud migrations.

It can support readiness checks by offering tools for performance monitoring, compliance checks, and project tracking, so that all aspects of the migration are planned and managed effectively.

Vendor and Service Provider Assessment

Vendor Capabilities

Selecting the right cloud service provider is a decision that significantly impacts the success of an SAP cloud migration. Evaluating the capabilities and reliability of prospective vendors validates that they can meet the organization’s specific needs.

Rate the vendor's service level agreements (SLAs) regarding uptime and reliability. Look for providers that offer at least 99.9% uptime for minimal disruption.

Review performance benchmarks and customer testimonials to gauge the provider’s ability to deliver consistent and high-performance services.

Verify that the vendor holds relevant security certifications, and ensure the vendor provides support for regulatory compliance requirements pertinent to the client’s industry. Evaluate their ability to meet data residency and sovereignty needs.

Evaluate the vendor’s capabilities to scale resources up or down based on demand. This flexibility is crucial for handling varying workloads and future growth.

Look for providers that offer customization options to tailor the cloud environment to specific business needs and workflows.

Third-Party Services and Integration Support

Beyond the primary cloud service provider, the role of third-party services and integration support is vital for migration and ongoing operations.

Examine the provider’s support for APIs and integration tools that facilitate connectivity between SAP and non-SAP systems. This confirms data flow continuity and operational efficiency.

Explore middleware solutions offered or supported by the vendor to manage complex integrations and data exchanges.

Evaluate the availability and quality of managed services that can assist with the migration process. This includes consulting services, technical support, and project management.

Consider vendors that offer reliable post-migration support, including monitoring, maintenance, and optimization services. This safeguards long-term stability and performance.

Risk Management and Mitigation

Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential risks associated with the migration. Consider technical, operational, and business risks.

Prioritize risks based on their probable impact and likelihood. Focus on addressing high-impact and high-probability risks first.

Develop contingency plans for critical risks. For example, have backup systems ready in case of data loss, or establish alternative communication channels in case of network issues.

Define specific actions to mitigate identified risks. This might include additional training for staff, increasing security measures, or optimizing system performance.

Implement continuous monitoring to track risks and their impact throughout the migration process. Use real-time data and analytics to stay informed and make proactive adjustments.

Establish a feedback loop to gather insights from the project team and stakeholders. Use this feedback to refine risk management strategies and improve overall project resilience.

Performance Benchmarks

Establishing and measuring performance benchmarks helps in identifying performance bottlenecks and ensuring that the cloud environment meets business needs.

Begin by analyzing the current performance metrics of on-premises SAP systems. This includes response times, transaction processing speeds, and system uptime.

Use benchmarking tools to capture these metrics accurately. Tools such as SAP EarlyWatch Alert and SAP Performance Management can provide detailed insights into current system performance.

Define performance targets for the cloud environment based on the baseline metrics. These targets should reflect improvements in speed, efficiency, and reliability.

Implement continuous performance monitoring to track these metrics post-migration. Use cloud-native monitoring tools for real-time visibility into system performance.

Scalability Requirements

Analyzing scalability requirements ensures that the cloud infrastructure can support future growth and peak loads.

Review historical data to forecast future demand. Consider factors such as seasonal variations, business growth projections, and planned expansions.

Use predictive analytics tools to model future workloads and resource requirements. This helps in planning for sufficient capacity and avoiding performance degradation.

Estimate the need for vertical scaling, which involves adding more power (CPU, RAM) to existing virtual machines. This is useful for applications with high resource needs.

Plan for horizontal scaling, which involves adding more instances of virtual machines to distribute the load. This approach enhances fault tolerance and load balancing.

Final Thoughts

Migrating to the cloud represents a significant opportunity for organizations to enhance their operational efficiency, scalability, and innovation capabilities. However, the journey to the cloud requires careful planning and execution. This is where the expertise of SAP consultants becomes extremely valuable to clients.

By carefully evaluating the current IT infrastructure, business processes, integrations, customizations, and workforce readiness, SAP consultants can identify potential risks and areas that need improvement. This comprehensive assessment prepares the ground for developing a migration plan that aligns with the organization's strategic goals and minimizes disruptions.

As SAP consultants, your role is pivotal in guiding organizations through this transformative journey. By staying informed about the latest tools, methodologies, and best practices, you can make certain that your clients achieve a successful SAP cloud migration, positioning them for future growth and success.

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William Valender

Als Talent Acquisition Specialist unterstütze ich SAP-Experten im DACH-Markt bei der Erreichung ihrer persönlichen Karriereziele.


Cloud migration is crucial for businesses to maintain competitiveness and operational efficiency. Assessing organizational readiness for SAP cloud migration involves evaluating IT infrastructure, business processes, integrations, and workforce preparation, preventing risks like downtime and data loss.


Integrations between SAP systems and other enterprise applications play a crucial role in daily operations. Ensuring these are compatible with the cloud environment is vital for a successful migration 🙂

Angus Macaulay

IgniteSAP: Connecting SAP People with Purpose


Always a minefield with some explosive repercussions if it isn't approached and managed effectively!

Thomas Haydon

Meine Leidenschaft ist es, SAP-Experten in der DACH-Region mit den besten Möglichkeiten auf dem Markt zusammenzubringen.


There's no surprise in the amount of steps taken and diligence needed when preparing for an SAP Cloud Migration. These are big steps for any business going on this journey with SAP Cloud.


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