PXL Talk

PXL Talk

PXL Talk with Roxana Porada

Question: Please explain like I'm five: what are PXL's products?

Roxana Porada: Sweetie, do you see this passport here? The passport is this little book that has your picture and your name on it, it also says when your birthday is. 

It is today still a piece of paper (that you are not allowed to lose, break or draw on) and everyone who doesn't know you, can look here and see what your name is and how old you are. They can also see that this picture that is here looks like you. 

When you want to go on holiday or travel somewhere or buy an expensive candy online, you have to show some people this book.

They will then tell you if they believe you or not that this is you. And if they let you buy the candy you want. If you lie and they realize it, they will not give you that candy. 

It might seem scary that you have to do this. But you don't need to worry. There is a company like PXL Vision, that makes this a bit more fun for you.

They ask you to take pictures with your phone of this little book, you like to take pictures with your phone don’t you? And then you can take not just a picture but a video of yourself (just like when you call your grandma to tell her Happy Birthday). 

And then that's it! You don't need to meet or talk to the people that might not give you the candy. The candy will come to you after that. 

In a nutshell: easy to use Identity verification solutions, that people and companies feel trusted to use to get access to the services that they need.

Question: What do our customers say they love most about PXL Vision’'s products?

Roxana Porada:

·  Most of our customers love the trust and support they receive from PXL Vision. To give you a simple example: one customer told us "We cannot complain about your reaction times - your team is answering faster than google!" - this shows the level of reliability that I honestly get from most of our customers

·  The ability to configure and play around with different needs and requirements within the same solution

·  The reliable technology that is at the basis of the product 

Question: What’s the one feature that does OR what would help sell our product? (What's our magic?)

Roxana Porada: Very good question. At the end of the day I believe that we manage to sell the product or the features that our customers need. 

And as we see often, our customers have different needs at the same time, which balance differently for each customer: 

- reliability of the solution, ease of use, high security, seamless integration, certifications, close customer support, cost reduction etc.

So often it is more about listening and understanding the most imminent needs of our customers and being able to prove that we can satisfy those needs. 

I believe overall our magic is built on many magics: on the technology we have built to enable remote identity verifications in a very modular and scalable manner (every feature from ID Scan, to Liveness Detection). Researched, developed, high quality technology that can be trusted, that has been certified and acknowledged by our customers. 

And we receive continuous positive feedback on the workflows enabled with PXL Ident, which through the easy UX enable our customers to win and keep their own customers.

Question: If you would have a magic wand - which feature would you like to add to our products?

Roxana Porada: Uuuuu and here comes some magic again... :)  

May I allow myself to make 2 wishes please?

·  I would love to have a way to be able to integrate our products in ANY existing platform (from a bank's infrastructure to an SSI platform to) - ANY platform. 

·  Having a reliable way of differentiating between "user mistakes" that we can automatically detect and adjust during runtime, and "fraud attempts" that we can silently know about and allow us to take the right decisions to actually eliminate real fraud.

Question: What type of customer research do you conduct and how often?

Roxana Porada: I would differentiate between existing customers and new customers.

With existing customers we have regular syncs.

With new potential customers we mainly communicate  during the pre-sales process. And our marketing team is also conducting deep analysis for this sector.


The main topics that we try to understand:

- what are the success rates from the customer's perspective and understand how PXL Vision can improve that (it is often not all in our hands to control)

- what are the reasons of dropouts for users (this often requires also our customers to support with)

- what are the use cases they would need our services for (once in a while it is good to go outside the current solutions and product lines and discuss new opportunities)

- what are the users demographics, ID documents, devices to be used

- what are their expectations - align if these expectations can or should be served by our product offering?

- how do customers rate us from various aspects?

- understand the different needs of the different types of groups and departments of a customer (legal, project management, development integration team)

- understand and improve the customer relationship 

Question: What is the most important lesson that you learned with a customer?

Roxana Porada: Listen, listen, listen to what the customer needs. Build the relationship with the customer to keep them as a customer, but also know when it makes sense to let go if we can't sustain their needs.


Where do you see yourself and PXL in 5 years?

Roxana Porada: I see PXL with the potential to be a main IDV provider within Europe. 

Myself with hopefully less hats to wear, but supporting as best as possible in any way required to make this happen.

More information about PXL Vision

More information about Our Team

Roxana Porada

Founder & CPO at PXL Vision


Thank you guys!

Doug Lister

Solving Compliance gaps in Fraud, AML, KYC, KYB & Digital ID Verification


A great initiative, Roxana Porada your first question is awesome! (As are the others) And for my LinkedIn network this will definitely give you a sense of the PXL Vision leadership and the integrity and transparency they represent. Enjoy! Watch for all 5 CoFounders in the future. Karim Nemr looking forward to yours.

Karim Nemr

Driving digital transformation and customer conversion with automated identity verification | Founder & Chief Business Officer @ PXL Vision


Fabulous 👏. Especially the first Q&A is just hilarious and a must-read 😂

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