How Defines Helpful Content and Ways to Create It Yourself

How Defines Helpful Content and Ways to Create It Yourself

Let's be honest: keeping up with Google's constant algorithm updates (and now AI overviews) can feel like an endless game of SEO whack-a-mole. No sooner do you perfect your content strategy than the rules change again. Even just capturing people's attention is more challenging than ever.

Search engines like Google are updating their algorithms to prioritize content that truly helps users. Spammy or mass-produced content won't cut it (not that it ever did).

Google's latest "Helpful Content" update took a major step in this direction. Released in March 2024, it revised the search engine's ranking systems to emphasize meaningful, credible content created specifically for human audiences.

At, we like to think we've been ahead of the curve in defining and producing genuinely valuable content. Here's how we adapt to Google's evolving standards:

Emphasis on Expertise and Trustworthiness

Google raters prioritize content with high E-E-A-T signals: expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. We bring in subject matter experts with deep industry knowledge to create insightful content that establishes topical authority.

Our writers draw upon personal experiences and research to produce original analyses and insights users can't find elsewhere. They avoid simply repurposing readily available information.

People-First Content Approach

Helpful content starts with understanding your audience and what they're looking for. We invest heavily in audience research to create tailored, people-first content that resonates.

For example, thought leaders may prefer in-depth whitepapers with plenty of data, busy professionals might prefer snackable blog posts with practical tips, and parents could value relatable, witty writing on family topics. We adapt our tone, format, and level of detail to the specific audience.

Multimedia and Good UX

Content consumption is a multi-faceted experience in 2024. We incorporate multimedia like images, videos, and infographics to engage audiences and enhance understanding.

Good UX principles like easy navigation, clear structure, and responsive design ensure that content is accessible across devices. Simple touches like relevant internal links and calls to action guide users through your site and content journey.

Original, Data-Driven Insights

We avoid simply rehashing easily available information. Our writers combine research using credible sources with unique insights and practical expertise to create novel, valuable content.

Data and analytics also play a key role. We analyze usage data to understand content interests, demographic info, and more, then apply those insights to create hyper-relevant content optimized for your audiences.

Refreshing and Maintaining Content

Audiences expect accurate, up-to-date information that keeps pace with industry developments. We offer content refresh services, from minor tweaks to full overhauls.

This ensures your content stays aligned with evolving best practices, optimized for search, and packed with the latest insights and expert input. It helps build trust while continuing to rank highly.

Transparent Process and Quality Control

Creating trustworthy, authoritative content requires robust quality control. has a multi-stage review process to verify accuracy and value:

  • In-house editors review and optimize content
  • Subject matter experts review niche topics for quality
  • The client team provides final approval

As SEO evolves and AI advances, audiences will only grow more discerning about the content they deem worthwhile. But we know it's a struggle to keep reinventing your content approach while still slowing down to really listen to your users' needs. is committed to continuously refining what it means to produce genuinely helpful content that resonates with real people. We're here to help take that burden off your shoulders through our audience-obsessed content strategies and robust quality controls.

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