The Dawn of DeepTech-ization: Transforming Industries Through Advanced Science and Innovation

The Dawn of DeepTech-ization: Transforming Industries Through Advanced Science and Innovation

Dear Readers, Strategists and Game-Changers,

Today's article is a bit special. Originally, I had prepared an article about Open Innovation. However, I thought that it is now necessary to discuss a concept that I have created: Deeptech-ization.

Indeed, following a discussion with Maier Fenster this weekend, I presented him with this concept. After working on it for some time, I think now is the best moment to present to the world this transformative concept.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and innovation, I see a new paradigm emerging that promises to revolutionize traditional industries and create unprecedented opportunities for growth and advancement. This phenomenon, which I call "Deeptech-ization," refers to the integration and adaptation of deep technology solutions within various fields, leading to the development of specific, high-level scientific solutions born from rigorous research and led by PhDs and other highly skilled professionals.

What is DeepTech?

DeepTech, or deep technology, refers to innovative solutions rooted in substantial scientific advances and engineering breakthroughs. Unlike superficial technologies that might be easily replicated, DeepTech solutions are based on cutting-edge research, requiring profound technical knowledge and often a significant R&D investment. These technologies span fields like quantum computing, artificial intelligence (AI), biotechnology, advanced materials, and more. DeepTech companies leverage this high-level expertise to solve complex problems, often creating entirely new markets or significantly disrupting existing ones.

Characteristics of DeepTech Companies

  • Scientific Foundation: DeepTech companies are built on rigorous scientific research and advanced technical knowledge. Their products and services stem from groundbreaking discoveries and engineering innovations that push the boundaries of what is currently possible.
  • Intensive R&D: These companies prioritize research and development, often maintaining strong connections with academic institutions. The R&D process in DeepTech companies is extensive and ongoing, aiming to create bespoke solutions to complex problems.
  • Expertise-Driven: DeepTech companies are typically founded by experts with advanced degrees, such as PhDs, and are staffed by highly skilled professionals. Their teams possess specialized knowledge that enables them to tackle intricate challenges that others might not be able to address.
  • High Barriers to Entry: The complexity and sophistication of the technologies involved create high barriers to entry for competitors. DeepTech companies often protect their innovations with patents and trade secrets, which can result in a competitive edge and market dominance.
  • Long Development Cycles: Due to the complexity of the technologies and the necessity of thorough research, the development cycles for DeepTech products or services can be significantly longer compared to other sectors. This long-term focus is essential for achieving the high-impact outcomes these companies strive for.

What is Deeptech-ization?

Deeptech-ization is more than just the adoption of advanced technologies; it involves a profound transformation in which industries not only use deep technologies but also engage in significant R&D to create tailored deeptech solutions. This process requires a strong theoretical background and is often driven by scientific breakthroughs and high-level technical expertise.

Deeptech-ization represents a paradigm shift where traditional industries integrate and co-develop deeptech solutions, fostering a culture of innovation and scientific rigour. For a company or industry to undergo deeptech-ization, it must integrate these technologies in a way that necessitates the development of new, specialized solutions, often involving collaboration with deeptech companies and academic institutions, and the hiring of PhDs and other experts. Collaboration between deeptech companies and industries is key for deeptech-ization. Deeptech companies are not just suppliers; they are cooperating with industries to develop new tailored deeptech solutions.

The Hallmarks of DeepTech-ization

  • Scientific Rigor and Expertise: Deeptech-ization is rooted in scientific research and advanced technical knowledge. Companies undergoing this transformation often establish dedicated R&D teams, sometimes in collaboration with deeptech companies, universities or research institutions, to explore and develop new technologies.
  • Customized Solutions: Unlike the mere adoption of existing technologies, deeptech-ization involves creating bespoke solutions that address specific industry challenges. This customization is driven by in-depth research and experimentation, leading to innovations that are uniquely suited to the company's needs.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The process of deeptech-ization often requires collaboration across various scientific and engineering disciplines. For example, a financial institution like J.P. Morgan hiring quantum physicists to work on quantum computing projects exemplifies how traditional industries are merging with deep technologies to drive innovation.
  • High-Level Technical Fields: Deeptech-ization typically occurs in Industries that can be improved or optimized by deep technologies. These deep technologies include, for example, quantum computing, AI, biotechnology, advanced materials, and more.

The Parallel Between Digital Transformation and DeepTech-ization

Just as digital transformation revolutionized industries by integrating digital technologies into all areas of business, deeptech-ization is poised to do the same using deep technologies. There are several parallels between these two transformative processes:

Evolutionary Process

Both digital transformation and deeptech-ization represent evolutionary processes that fundamentally change how businesses operate and deliver value. Digital transformation focuses on integrating digital technologies like the internet, mobile devices, IoT and data analytics into business operations, enhancing efficiency, and creating new business models. Similarly, deeptech-ization integrates deep technologies such as AI, quantum computing, and biotechnology, leading to the development of advanced, customized solutions that can redefine entire industries.

R&D and Innovation

A significant parallel between the two lies in their reliance on R&D and innovation. During the digital transformation era, companies invested heavily in developing new digital capabilities and tools. Deeptech-ization also requires substantial R&D investments, often involving collaboration with academic institutions and hiring experts with advanced degrees. Both transformations drive innovation by fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation.

Competitive Advantage

Both digital transformation and deeptech-ization offer substantial competitive advantages. Digital transformation allowed companies to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and create new revenue streams. Deeptech-ization enables companies to develop unique, high-level solutions that address specific challenges, providing a significant edge over competitors and opening new market opportunities.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Interdisciplinary collaboration is a hallmark of both transformations. Digital transformation required businesses to blend IT expertise with traditional business functions, leading to the rise of roles like Chief Digital Officers (CDOs). Deeptech-ization similarly necessitates the collaboration of experts from various scientific and engineering disciplines to create innovative solutions, leading to the emergence of specialized R&D teams within traditional industries, and new roles like Chief Quantum Officer (CQO).

Long-Term Focus

Both processes require a long-term focus and commitment from organizations. Digital transformation was not an overnight change but a continuous journey of adopting and refining digital technologies. Deeptech-ization also involves long development cycles and sustained R&D efforts, with companies needing to invest in and commit to these technologies for the long haul to reap the benefits.

Examples of DeepTech-ization

Below are some examples of deeptech-ization:

J.P. Morgan and Quantum Computing

One notable example of deeptech-ization is J.P. Morgan 's investment in quantum computing (see for example: Recognizing the potential of quantum computing to revolutionize financial services, J.P. Morgan has massively invested in quantum computing and built an internal team of scientists to work on new quantum algorithms and applications to address business use cases in finance, AI, optimization and cryptography.

Mercedes-Benz and Quantum Computing for Batteries:

Mercedes-Benz AG is partnering with IBM to explore the use of quantum computing for developing next-generation batteries for electric vehicles (see for example: Quantum computing allows for precise simulation of molecular interactions, which is critical for designing advanced batteries like lithium-sulfur batteries. These simulations can significantly accelerate the development process and lead to batteries with higher energy density, faster charging times, and longer lifespans.

Rolls-Royce and Quantum Computing for Aerodynamics:

Rolls-Royce is collaborating with NVIDIA and Classiq Technologies to use quantum computing to improve the aerodynamics of its aircraft engines (see for example: By leveraging quantum algorithms, Rolls-Royce can simulate complex aerodynamic phenomena more accurately than with classical computing, leading to more efficient engine designs and reduced fuel consumption. This application of quantum computing helps Rolls-Royce maintain its competitive edge in the aerospace industry.

Volkswagen and Quantum Computing for Traffic Management:

Volkswagen has developed a quantum algorithm to optimize traffic flow in urban areas (see for example: By partnering with D-Wave , Volkswagen has created a system that reduces congestion by optimizing the routes of thousands of vehicles in real-time. This deeptech solution enhances urban mobility and reduces emissions by minimizing idle times and travel distances.

Pfizer and Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery:

Pfizer collaborating with the Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences utilizes AI and machine learning to streamline its drug discovery and development processes. AI models analyze vast datasets to identify potential drug candidates and predict patient responses to treatments, significantly accelerating the R&D cycle and increasing the efficiency of clinical trials.

BASF and Advanced Materials:

BASF is leveraging advanced materials and nanotechnology to innovate across various applications, including automotive coatings, packaging, and agriculture (see for example: Their investment in deeptech research allows them to develop more efficient and sustainable materials, maintaining their leadership in the chemical industry.

Google and Artificial Intelligence

Google 's deep involvement in AI research and development exemplifies deeptech-ization in the tech industry (see for example: Google has invested heavily in AI, creating specialized research divisions like Google AI and DeepMind. These teams focus on developing advanced AI algorithms and applications that enhance Google's products and services. For instance, Google uses AI for improving search algorithms, developing autonomous systems, and creating innovative healthcare solutions. The company's commitment to AI R&D has solidified its position as a leader in technological innovation.

Deeptech-ization Strategy

Deeptech-ization is not merely a theoretical concept that I have created; it is a strategic approach that can be implemented to revolutionize industries and enhance business performance. Implementing a Deeptech-ization strategy involves several key steps to ensure that deep technologies are effectively integrated into business processes, driving innovation, and creating value. Below, I outline a comprehensive strategy that I have designed for businesses aiming to undergo deeptech-ization.

Steps to Implement DeepTech-ization

  • Assessment and Identification: The first step in deeptech-ization is assessing the current state of the business and identifying areas where deep technologies can have the most significant impact. This involves a thorough analysis of existing processes, products, and services to pinpoint inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and opportunities for innovation. Businesses should look for areas where advanced technologies like AI, quantum computing, nanotechnology or biotechnology can solve specific problems or open new avenues for growth.
  • Developing a Vision and Roadmap: Once the potential areas for deeptech-ization are identified, businesses should develop a clear vision and roadmap for their transformation. This includes setting specific, measurable goals and defining the desired outcomes of integrating deep technologies. The roadmap should outline the steps required to achieve these goals, including timelines, resource allocation, and key milestones.
  • Building a Skilled Team: Deeptech-ization requires a team with specialized knowledge and expertise in relevant scientific and technical fields. Businesses should invest in hiring PhDs, researchers, and engineers with advanced degrees and experience in specific deep technologies. Additionally, forming partnerships with startups, academic institutions, and research organizations can provide access to cutting-edge knowledge and resources.
  • Establishing R&D Capabilities: A robust R&D function is critical for successful deeptech-ization. Businesses should establish dedicated R&D teams focused on exploring and developing deep technologies. This may involve setting up internal research labs or collaborating with external partners. Continuous investment in R&D is essential to stay ahead of technological advancements and maintain a competitive edge.
  • Collaborating with Deeptech Companies: Partnering with specialized deeptech companies can accelerate the deeptech-ization process. These collaborations allow businesses to leverage the expertise and innovations of deeptech companies to develop tailored solutions. Joint ventures, co-development projects, and strategic alliances can facilitate the exchange of knowledge and resources, leading to more effective implementation of deep technologies.
  • Creating Customized Solutions: Deeptech-ization is about developing bespoke solutions that address the unique challenges of a business. This involves applying deep technologies to create tailored products, processes, and services. Businesses should focus on customizing solutions to meet their specific needs, leveraging the expertise of their R&D teams and deeptech partners.
  • Fostering a Culture of Innovation: For deeptech-ization to succeed, businesses must cultivate a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. This includes encouraging experimentation, supporting risk-taking, and rewarding creative problem-solving. Leadership should promote a mindset that embraces change and values scientific rigour and technical excellence.
  • Implementing Agile Processes: The integration of deep technologies often requires agile development methodologies. Businesses should adopt agile practices to ensure flexibility and responsiveness to emerging trends and discoveries. This approach allows for iterative development, rapid prototyping, and continuous feedback, ensuring that deep technologies are effectively integrated and refined over time.
  • Measuring Impact and Iterating: Finally, businesses should continuously measure the impact of their deeptech-ization efforts. This involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) related to innovation, efficiency, and market performance, for example. Regular reviews and assessments can help identify areas for improvement and guide iterative refinements to the deeptech-ization strategy.

Implementing a deeptech-ization strategy involves a structured approach that integrates deep technologies into business operations, fostering innovation and creating value. By following the outlined steps and contacting me, businesses can effectively navigate the complexities of deeptech-ization and unlock new opportunities for growth and advancement. As industries continue to evolve, adopting a deeptech-ization strategy will be crucial for staying competitive and driving sustainable success in the modern technological landscape.

DeepTech-ization and IP Management

As an IP wizard, I cannot talk about IP Management in the realm of Deeptech-ization. As industries undergo the transformative process of deeptech-ization, where advanced scientific research and high-level technical expertise converge to create bespoke solutions, the role of intellectual property management becomes increasingly critical. This integration of deep technologies, such as quantum computing, AI, nanotechnology and biotechnology, not only drives innovation but also necessitates robust IP strategies to protect and leverage these groundbreaking advancements.

The Role of IP in DeepTech-ization

  • Protecting Innovations: Deeptech-ization involves significant R&D efforts, often resulting in unique and highly specialized innovations. Patents play a crucial role in protecting these innovations, ensuring that companies can secure exclusive rights to their technological advancements. This protection is vital for maintaining a competitive edge.
  • Encouraging Investment: Robust IP management can make a company more attractive to investors. By demonstrating that their innovations are well-protected through a strategic patent portfolio, for example, companies can secure funding and partnerships necessary for continued growth and development. This is particularly important in fields like quantum computing and biotechnology, where the costs and risks associated with R&D are substantial.
  • Facilitating Collaboration: The interdisciplinary nature of Deeptech-ization often requires collaboration between companies, startups, universities, and research institutions. Effective IP management can facilitate these collaborations by clearly defining ownership and promoting cross-licensing and patent pool approaches, thereby reducing potential conflicts and fostering a cooperative environment for innovation.

Effective IP management is integral to the success of deeptech-ization. By developing robust IP strategies, companies can protect their innovations, attract investment, facilitate collaboration, and strategically leverage their IP assets. As industries continue to evolve, integrating IP management into the Deeptech-ization strategy will be essential for driving innovation, maintaining a competitive edge, and achieving long-term success.

The Impact of DeepTech-ization

The deeptech-ization of industries has far-reaching implications, both for the companies involved and for the broader economy. Here are some key impacts:

  • Accelerated Innovation: By integrating deep technologies through collaborations, companies can accelerate their innovation cycles, bringing new products and services to market more quickly. This acceleration is often driven by the ability to leverage cutting-edge research and advanced technical expertise.
  • Competitive Advantage: Companies that successfully undergo deeptech-ization can gain a significant competitive edge. By developing unique, high-level solutions, they can differentiate themselves from competitors and create new market opportunities.
  • Economic Growth: The widespread adoption of deep technologies can drive economic growth by creating new industries and job opportunities. As companies invest in R&D and hire skilled professionals, they contribute to the development of a highly educated and technically proficient workforce.

Overall, DeepTech-ization fosters an environment of continuous innovation, positioning industries to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

The Future of Deeptech-ization

As we move further into the 21st century, the trend of Deeptech-ization is likely to become more pronounced. Companies across a wide range of industries will increasingly recognize the value of integrating deep technologies and investing in high-level R&D. This shift will be driven by the need to stay competitive in a rapidly changing technological landscape and the desire to harness the full potential of scientific advancements.

Deeptech-ization represents a transformative shift in how industries approach technology and innovation. By embracing deep technologies and investing in scientific research, companies can unlock new opportunities for growth and create solutions that address some of the world's most pressing challenges. As this trend continues to gain momentum, we can expect to see even more groundbreaking innovations that redefine the boundaries of what is possible.

Why should you choose DELSOL as your strategic IP and Deeptech-ization partner?

As we tread the path of strategic mastery and business, it's essential to recognize that this journey does not need to be navigated alone. In the vast and often intricate terrain of Intellectual Property and Deeptech-ization, having a steadfast guide can be the difference between getting lost in obscurity and reaching the pinnacle of success. Enter DELSOL (Disrupt, Evolve, Lead, and Strategize for Optimum Lift-off), the beacon of strategic IP Management, Business and Innovation founded by myself, Dr. Benjamin DELSOL.

As you know, I have created the concept of Deeptech-ization. I am armed with an LL.M in IP Law and Management as well as with a PhD in Quantum Physics, I serve as the esteemed Head of IP at Quantum Strategy Institute and hold the influential position of co-Chairman of the IP Strategy at I3PM International Institute for Intellectual Property Management. My expertise is recognized globally as I am an International Partner and Switzerland co-Chairman of the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) and contribute to the WBAF Global Science, Technology and Innovation Committee. As IP Strategist & Manager, as well as both a French and European patent attorney, I bring a strategic edge and invaluable insights as a consultant for several international firms and Companies such as BCF, Yes My Patent, HAUTIER IP, HAUTIER IP - MONACO, and AWA. My passion for innovation extends to my roles as a deep tech advisor at Tango - Les Deeptech and a dedicated startup mentor at QAI Ventures and MassChallenge, guiding the next generation of tech pioneers towards groundbreaking achievements.

Therefore, DELSOL is not just an IP consultancy; it is a partner in your journey towards securing and leveraging your intellectual assets to their fullest potential. With a foundation deeply rooted in the principles of strategic foresight and innovation, DELSOL stands at the forefront of IP strategy, guiding businesses through the complexities of patenting, trademark registration, infringement mitigation, and IP monetization. Our comprehensive services are tailored to ensure that your innovations are not only protected but also positioned to thrive in the competitive market landscape.

Working with us means:

- Expert Guidance: At DELSOL, you're not just engaging with consultants; you're partnering with visionaries. My rich background as a Strategist, Businessman, Patent attorney, and Innovator ensures that our approach is not just theoretical but deeply ingrained in practical, real-world successes.

- Holistic Approach: We recognize that IP strategy is not a standalone effort but an integral part of your overall business strategy. Our approach integrates your IP assets with your business goals, ensuring that every patent filed, every trademark registered, and every licensing deal negotiated propels your business forward.

- Global Reach with a Personal Touch: While DELSOL prides itself on its global perspective and capabilities, we maintain a personalized approach to service. Every client, every innovation, and every strategy is unique, and we provide tailored solutions that reflect your specific needs and ambitions.

- Forward-Thinking: In a world driven by rapid technological advancement, rest assured that DELSOL remains at the cutting edge of IP strategy and innovation. Whether navigating the realms of DeepTech technologies such as Quantum Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, the Metaverse, or beyond, we ensure your IP assets are future-proof, guarding your competitive edge for years to come.

As we stand on the brink of a new era of innovation and competition, the importance of a solid, strategic approach to intellectual property has never been more critical. With DELSOL by your side, you're not just protecting your innovations; you're setting the stage for unparalleled success, transforming your visionary ideas into tangible assets that drive your business forward.

Ready to revolutionize your IP strategy and secure your place in the future of innovation? Reach out to me or DELSOL today, and let's chart the course to your strategic triumph. Together, we can transform the landscape of tomorrow, turning groundbreaking ideas into the foundations of a new world.

I wish you a Wonderful and Strategic week full of Actions & Successes!😉👍😎🚀

Jasmine Soori-Arachi Donal Kelleher

Quantum Empire & Quantum Mogul Founders | Legacy | Luxury | Innovation


I am so excited to read about Deep-Techization!! What an incredible concept to have originated, bravo! 👏🚀🎉

Adriana De Moura

Global Intellectual Property Manager & Regional Tax at Nidec Appliances, Commercial and Industrial Motors


Dr. Benjamin DELSOL (PhD, LL.M) What a great concept! In fact, successful adaptative behavior will highly depend upon the ability and knowledge of deep tech not only for complex technology segments but for the whole industry which leads me to thinking how to contribute. I get work to do.

Maier Fenster

Head of Medical Devices Dept. at Ehrlich & Fenster helping you think about, create and strategize your IP


I could not help myself and am reading this now, though it means i will sweat more while biking to work today. I will need to unpack it later though. maybe during my ride. would you say that IP practice is at the start or in the middle of deeptechization? not sure if we have the science side down yet. OTOH i saw "As an IP wizard" in any case, your section "Characteristics of DeepTech Companies " seems to be a perfect springboard for my my upcoming talk on the subject.

Maria Ksenia Witte

Risk Mitigation and First-Mover-Advantage | Grants, Investments, Technology Due Diligence | Deep Tech Startup & SME Innovation Funding Strategy


Ok, Dr. Benjamin DELSOL (PhD, LL.M), this is BY FAR one of the best posts from you. Period.🎉

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