
With factoring, carriers get paid on an invoice as soon as the next day, virtually eliminating the 30 days to pay so commonly seen in trucking. With no hidden fees, carriers are assured of a small, flat-rate fee with no surprises. Non-recourse factoring is an added protection assuring the carrier that if the broker doesn’t pay and it’s no fault of the carrier, they’ll still be paid. Truckstop.com Factoring is also flexible allowing carriers to avoid agreements that don’t work for them and with no minimums, they can decide when it’s time to factor or not (assuming the broker meets factoring requirements).

Want to take your factoring on the road? With Truckstop.com Factoring carriers can factor loads and scan paperwork on the go with Truckstop.com’s Mobile Factoring App where they can apply for advances, get instant broker credit checks, and view paid and unpaid load history any time, any place.

This product is intended for

  • Truck Driver
  • Carrier

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